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Wireless module to connect outdoor motion detectors, infrared detectors (barriers), gas and liquid level detectors, thermal relays and any third-party devices with a cable outlet to the Ajax security system.
Ajax Battery kit for Hub 2 Autonomous module and long battery life Easy installation Duration up to 7 months Non-rechargeable battery Ideal for second home or empty home
Double panic button Bidirectional Wireless 868 MHz Jeweler Range open space 1300 m Safe press: double or long Power supply 1 CR2032 3.0 V battery
Panic button Bidirectional Wireless 868 MHz Jeweler Range open space 1300 m Safe press: double or long Power supply 1 CR2032 3.0 V battery
Ajax Battery kit for Hub 2 Autonomous module and long battery life Easy installation Duration up to 14 months Non-rechargeable battery Ideal for second home or empty home
The Holder support for is valid for the button "Button" and for the double button "DoubleButton" of Ajax
Support for motion detector AJ-MOTIONPROTECT-W, AJ-MOTIONPROTECTPLUS-W AJ-COMBIPROTECT-W ABS plastic White color
Outdoor detector cover Compatible with AJ-OUTDOORPROTECT-W Simple installation Suitable for outdoor use White color
Panel holder AJ-HUB-W, AJ-HUBPLUS-W and AJ-HUB2-W Simple installation ABS plastic White color
12 VDC power module Compatible with Ajax Hub 2 Input voltage 8 ~ 20 VDC Average consumption per hour 95 mA CON280 connector included
12 VDC power module Compatible with Ajax Hub, Hub Plus and ReX Input voltage 8 ~ 20 VDC Average consumption per hour 95 mA CON280 connector included
6 VDC power module Compatible with Ajax Hub 2 and Hub 2 Plus Input voltage 4.2 ~ 16 VDC Average consumption per hour 95 mA CON280 connector included