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Qubino Mini Dimmer - Z-Wave + regulator micromodule



This Mini Dimmer is 25% smaller than other wireless micromodules on the market. Thanks to its small size, it allows quick and easy installation.

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73,10 €

Technical characteristics

Home Automation Technology Z-Wave Plus
Characteristic Dimmer

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Mini Dimmer Qubino

The Qubino Mini Dimmer is 25% smaller than other similar wireless devices on the market. Thanks to its small size, it allows quick and easy installation. The wireless signal works with the Z-Wave protocol.

It works without neutral wire

The mini-regulator does not require a neutral cable (N). It works in a 2-wire configuration.

Installation of the Mini Dimmer Qubino with 2 wires ( without neutral)

Dimmer installation without neutral

Installation of the Mini Dimmer Qubino with 3 wires ( with neutral)

Mini Dimmer Qubino with Neutral Installation

Light bulbs from 1W

Connect and control energy saving light bulbs remotely. A minimum load is not required.

Quick and easy installation

Due to its small size, it is suitable even for the smallest, most superficial and overflow electrical boxes and cable overflows.

Qubino Mini dimmer installation

Vary all types of light bulbs of varying intensity

The Qubino Mini Dimmer will be calibrated to work with your specific type of bulb - from LEDs, fluorescent, halogen to incandescent. Regardless of the type of bulb you use, the Mini Dimmer offers you a maximum regulation range.

Light bulbs all kinds
Incasdescent bulbs up to 200W
Halogen bulbs up to 200W
LED bulbs up to 150W
Led strips up to 150W
Fluorescent Light Bulbs

It is suitable for all types of built-in boxes worldwide

Reduce assembly time and installation costs. Install it quickly and easily behind a conventional switch.

LED signaling

Easily recognize if the Mini Dimmer is included or excluded from the network, be informed in case of overload or overheating as well as when the calibration is in progress.


The Qubino Mini Dimmer is the smallest wireless dimmer in the world.
It can be installed in a 2-wire system, without the need for a neutral wire.
Of course, it can also be installed in a 3-wire system - with neutral wire
Due to its small size, it is suitable even for the smallest, most superficial and most messy electrical cabinets.
It is suitable for all types of built-in boxes worldwide.
You can remotely connect and control the bulbs from 1W, without requiring a minimum load.
It can regulate all types of variable intensity bulbs - incandescent, halogen, LED, LED light strips, fluorescent
It has LED signaling to easily recognize if the Mini Dimmer is included or excluded from the network, in case of overload or overheating and when the calibration is in progress.
Extremely low power consumption: less than 0.4 W


Power supply: 110 - 240 VAC 50Hz
Nominal output load current: 0.85A
Output power of the output circuit (resistive load): 200W
Accuracy of consumption measurement (2 wires): ± 10%.
Accuracy of consumption measurement (3 wires): ± 2%.
Operating temperature: -10 to +40 ° C
Distance: up to 30 m inside
Dimensions (width x height x depth): 38mm x 33.5mm x 15.5mm
Weight: 28 g
Power Consumption: 0.4 W
For installation in boxes: Ø e 60 mm or 2M
Switching: MOSFET (phase cut / leakage edge)
Z-Wave Repeater: Yes

Meets CE and ROHS Certifications

Extended Z-Wave info

Name: Mini Dimmer
Z-Wave Certification Number:ZC10-21077044
Hardware Plattform:ZM5101
Role Type:Always On Slave
Short Description:The Qubino Mini Dimmer is the world most compact dimmer. MOSFET-switching light device that also supports control of low-voltage halogen lamps with electronic transformers, dimmable compact fluorescent lights, and dimmable LED bulbs. It can work with or without the neutral line (3 or 2-Wired system).
Description:Mini Dimmer is a MOSFET-switching light device that also supports control of low-voltage halogen lamps with electronic transformers, dimmable compact fluorescent lights, and dimmable LED bulbs. It measures power consumption of the connected device. It supports push-button/momentary switches (default) and toggle switches. It can work with or without the neutral line. Qubino Mini Dimmer allows the easiest and quickest installation. It is designed to be mounted inside a “flush mounting box”, hidden behind a traditional wall switch. It acts as repeater in order to improve range and stability of Z-Wave™ network.

Manual download HERE.

Max Nodes
Lifeline.Supports the following command classes: • Device Reset Locally: triggered upon request • Meter Report: triggered according to Configuration parameters 40 and 42 • Notification Report: triggered on overload/over heating • Switch Multilevel Report: triggered upon request or according to Configuration parameters 11 and 12. • Switch Binary Report: triggered upon request or according to Configuration parameters 11 and 12.
Supports the following command classes: • Basic set: triggered at the change of the output and reflecting its state
Supports the following command classes: • Start/Stop Level Change: triggered upon holding and releasing the switch connected to terminal I
Supports the following command classes: • Switch Multilevel Set: triggered at change of output and reflecting its state
Size (Bytes)
Default Value
In-wall Switch Type for Load to control I1
With this parameter, you can select between push-button (momentary) and on/off toggle switch types.
Turn Load 1 Off Automatically with Timer
If Load is ON, you can schedule it to turn OFF automatically after a period of time defined in this parameter. The timer is reset to zero each time the device receives an ON or OFF command, either remotely (from the gateway (hub) or associated device) or locally from the switch.
Turn Load 1 On Automatically with Timer
If Load is OFF, you can schedule it to turn ON automatically after a period of time defined in this parameter. The timer is reset to zero each time the device receives an OFF or ON command, either remotely (from the gateway (hub) or associated device) or locally from the switch.
Enable/Disable the Double click function
If the Double click function is enabled, a fast double click on the push-button will set the dimming level to the maximum dimming value.
Restore on/off status for load after power failure
This parameter determines if on/off status is saved and restored for the load after power failure.
Watt Power Consumption Reporting Threshold for Load
Choose by how much the power consumption needs to increase or decrease to be reported. Values correspond to percentages so if 10 is set (by default), the device will report any power consumption changes of 10% or more compared to the last reading. ⓘ NOTE: The power consumption needs to increase or decrease by at least 2 Watts to be reported, regardless of percentage set in this parameter.
Watt Power Consumption Reporting Time Threshold for Load
Set value refers to the time interval with which power consumption in Watts is reported (0 – 32767 seconds). If 300 is entered, energy consumption reports will be sent to the gateway (hub) every 300 seconds (or 5 minutes) if there was a change compared from the last report. ⓘNOTE: Values from 1 to 29 are ignored by device due to standard recommendation. ⓘNOTE: The report will be send only if there was a change compared to the last report.
Load type
With this parameter, you select the load type, dimmable or non dimmable. Device operating in dimmable mode on non dimmable load can lead to device or load malfunction. For non dimmable loads par. 6 must be set to 1. ⓘ NOTE: When par.6 set to 1 (non dimmable load) values of listed parameters will be ingnored (par.60 min. dimming value, par.61 max. dimming value, par.65 Dimm. Time when key presed par.66 dimm. Time when key hold, par.21 Double click function ⓘ NOTE: If the bulb is dimmable or non dimmable (generally valid for LED) is shown on the bulb itself or on packaging. ⓘ NOTE: Parameter 6 is replacing parameter 5. Present in previous version.
Minimum dimming value
The value set in this parameter determines the minimum dimming value (the lowest value which can be set on the device, when, for example, dimming lights with wall switch or slider in the GUI (Gateway - hub)) (Data type 1 byte dec) • default value 15 = 15% (minimum dimming value) • 0- 98 = 0% - 98%, step is 1%. Minimum dimming value is set by entering a value. ⓘ NOTE: The minimum level may not be higher than the maximum level!
Maximum dimming value
The value set in this parameter determines the maximum dimming value (the highest value which can be set on the device, when, for example, dimming lights with wall switch or slider in the GUI (Gateway - hub)) ⓘ NOTE: The maximum level may not be lower than the minimum level!
Dimming time when key pressed (soft on/off)
Choose the time during which the device will move between the min. and max. dimming values by a short press of the push-button I1.
Dimming time when key hold
Choose the time during which the Dimmer will move between the min. and max. dimming values during a continuous press of the push-button I1, by an associated device or through the UI controls (BasicSet, SwitchMultilevelSet).
Ignore start level
Choose whether the device should use (or disregard) the start dimming level value. If the device is configured to use the start level, it should start the dimming process from the currently set dimming level. This parameter is used with association group 3. NOTE: Parameter is valid only in Dimmer mode. In Switch mode the parameter has no effect.
Dimming duration
Choose the time during which the device will transition from the current value to the new target value. This parameter applies to the association group 3. NOTE: Parameter is valid only in Dimmer mode. In Switch mode the parameter has no effect.
Overload safety switch
The function allows for turning off the controlled device in case of exceeding the defined power for more than 5s. Controlled device can be turned back on by input I1 or sending a control frame. ⓘ NOTE: This functionality is not an overload safety protection, please check the technical specifications chapter for more details. In case of overload the following message will be send towards the controller: • COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION_V5 • The Alarm V1 type field set to 0x00 • Notification Type 0x08 and 0x08 (Overload detected)
Calibration trigger
Choose when will be the calibration procedure triggered.
Calibration status (read only)
With this parameter you can check the calibration status.
Alarm/Notification events
This parameter defines the module behaviour in case it receives any Alarm/Notification events. NOTE: When value 3 is selected the default time interval of the blinking is 10 minutes. It can be stopped with a button press or sending a control frame. To adjust the time interval please refer to parameter 74 – Alarm/Notification time interval.
Alarm/Notification time interval (dependant on parameter 73)
This parameter defines the time interval of the blinking state, once the module receives an alarm/notification event. Minimum step increase is 1 minute. NOTE: This parameter does not have any effect if parameter 73 is not set to value 3.
Switch Binary
Switch Multilevel V3
Association Group Information V2
Association V2
Device Reset Locally
Manufacturer Specific V2
Meter V4
Notification V8
Security S2
Switch Binary
Switch Multilevel V3
Transport Service V2
Version V2
Z-Wave Plus Info V2
Factory Reset Procedure
12.5. Device factory reset

1. Connect the device to the power supply.

2. Within the first minute (60 seconds) the device is connected to the power supply, toggle the switch connected to the terminal I 5 times within 3 seconds. The device has to get On/Off signal 5 times, meaning 5 times push of the momentary switch or with toggle switch 5 times On and 5 times Off.


Press and hold the S (Service) button for at least 6 seconds if connected to power supply. For your safety use only 24-30 Vdc power supply when accessing to S (Service) button. This procedure put the device in LEARN MODE.

ⓘ NOTE: By resetting the device, all custom parameters previously set on the device will return to their default values, and the node ID will be deleted. Use this reset procedure only when the main gateway (hub) is missing or otherwise inoperable. If an end device is factory reset, it is reverted to the Z-Wave SmartStart inclusion state.

ⓘ NOTE: the reset with switch connected to terminal I is possible only in the first minute after the device is connected to the power.

ⓘ NOTE: after the reset is successfully done the autocalibration will trigger and the green LED will start blinking.

Classic Inclusion

1. Scan QR code on device label and add S2 DSK to Provisioning List in gateway (hub)

2. Connect the device to the power supply

3. Inclusion will be initiated automatically within few seconds of connection to the power supply and the device will automatically enrol in your network (when the device is excluded and connected to the power supply it automatically enters the LEARN MODE state).

NOTE: LEARN MODE state allows the device to receive network information from the controller.

ⓘ SmartStart inclusion is a part of S2 security level, so if you want to use SmartStart, you need to include it as S2 Authenticated.

Classic Exclusion

1. Connect the device to the power supply.

2. Make sure the device is within direct range of your Z-Wave gateway (hub) or use a hand-held Z-Wave remote to perform exclusion.

3. Enable add/remove mode on your Z-Wave gateway (hub).

4. Toggle the switch connected to the terminal I 3 times within 3 seconds (this procedure put the device in LEARN MODE). The device has to get On/Off signal 3 times, meaning 3 times push of the momentary switch or with toggle switch 3 times On and 3 times Off.


Press and hold the S (Service) button between 2 and 6 seconds if connected power supply. For your safety use only 24-30 Vdc power supply when accessing to S (Service) button. This procedure put the device in LEARN MODE.

5. Exclusion with the switch connected to terminal I is not limited by time.

6. The device will be removed from your network, but any custom configuration parameters will not be erased.

ⓘ NOTE: LEARN MODE state allows the device to receive network information from the controller.

Where to find S2 DSK on product
IMPORTANT: When adding the Mini Dimmer to a Z-Wave network with a controller supporting Security 2 (S2), the PIN code of the Z-Wave Device Specific Key (DSK) is required. The unique DSK code is printed on the product label and a copy is inserted in the packaging, which must not be lost. Do not remove the DSK from the product. As a backup measure, use the label in the packaging.
S2 Authenticated
S2 Unauthenticated
Switch Load Capacity Volt-Ampere
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in VA (Volt-Amperes)
Neutral Wire Required
For electric in-wall/wired switches, indicate whether a neutral wire is required for installation.
Outdoor Use
Product is suitable for use outdoors.
Switch Load Capacity Watts
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Watts
Supported Meter Type
Indicate which type of metering is supported by the device.
Supported Notification Types
Select the Notification Types that the product handles (controllers), or sends (slaves).
Switch Load Capacity Current
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Amps
Switch Type
Describes the type of operator for a switch.
Communications Protocol
For external interfaces, choose the communications protocol used.
If the product is only available in one color, pick the color from the list.
Electric Load Type
Select the electric load type(s) supported by the device.




Funciona: dimmer sin neutro

Muy útil cuando hay que ponerlo en caja de mecanismos


Es MUY pequeño

Muy pequeñín. Cabe donde haga falta. Funciona bien y rapido sin latencias. Comprare mas.


Recomendable 100x100

Muy recomendable. Es muy pequeño. Formidable que no requiera neutro obligatorio para funcionar. Me ha sacado de un apuro. Me llego rapido. Gracias.


Muy pequeño

Este dimmer es muy pequeño. Funciona bien con eedomus dimando bombillas del Ikea

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Qubino Mini Dimmer - Z-Wave + regulator micromodule

Qubino Mini Dimmer - Z-Wave + regulator micromodule

This Mini Dimmer is 25% smaller than other wireless micromodules on the market. Thanks to its small size, it allows quick and easy installation.

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