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Philio PST02-1B 3-in-1 Z-Wave Multisensor (movement, brightness, temperature)



Z-Wave multisensor for sensing presence / movement, brightness (lumens) and ambient temperature

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38,99 €

Technical characteristics

Home Automation Technology Z-Wave Plus

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The Z-Wave Plus 3-in-1 sensor is designed with three detection sensors:

1. PIR / Motion

2. temperature

3. Lighting

The detector can be used as a home automation or security device. When the detector cooperates with security appliances, the detector acts as a security device by detecting changes in infrared radiation levels. If a person moves within or across the devices' field of view, an activation radio signal will be transmitted to cause a full alarm condition to scare off intruders. After night falls, the percentage of ambient lighting is lower than the preset value. If a person moves within or across the field of view of the devices, an activation radio signal will be transmitted to activate the connected lights for better illumination. Every time the PIR is triggered, the sensor will also send the temperature and illumination value. Also the temperature will send the value when the temperature changes. Note: The lighting sensor does not work yet with Fibaro Homecenter 2 and Zipabox.

When securely included, the device is capable of accepting secure commands and sending secure commands to other devices. The commands and the receiver of the commands sent with a single click and double click of the rocker can be defined in the configuration parameters and association groups.

Extended Z-Wave info

Name: Slim Multisensor
Z-Wave Certification Number:ZC10-14080017
Hardware Plattform:SD3502
Role Type:Reporting Sleeping Slave
Short Description:Slim Multisensor 3 in 1 (PIR, Temperature and Illumination)
Description:The slim multisensor PST02 has PIR, temperature and illumination, 3 sensors function in one,based on Z-Wave technology.

Manual download HERE.

Max Nodes
Z-Wave Plus Lifeline
Using the "Basic Set" for lighting control.
Size (Bytes)
Default Value
Auto Report Battery Time
The interval time for auto report the battery level. 0 means turn off auto report battery. The default value is 12. The tick time can setting by the configuration No.20.
Auto Report Illumination Time
The interval time for auto report the illumination. 0 means turn off auto report illumination. The default value is 12. The tick time can setting by the configuration No.20.
Auto Report Temperature Time
The interval time for auto report the temperature. 0 means turn off auto report temperature. The default value is 12. The tick time can setting by the configuration No.20.
Basic Set Level
Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light. The 0xFF(-1) means turn on the light. For dimmer equipment 1 to 100 means the light strength. 0 means turn off the light.
Auto Report Tick Interval
The interval time for auto report each tick. Setting this configuration will effect configuration No.10, No.11, No.12 and No.13. Caution: Setting to 0 means turn off all auto report function.
Temperature Differential Report
The temperature differential to report. 0 means turn off this function. The unit is Fahrenheit. Enable this function the device will detect every minutes. And when the temperature is over 140 degree Fahrenheit, it will continue report. Enable this functionality will cause some issue please see the detail in the “Temperature Report” section.
Illumination Differential Report
The illumination differential to report. 0 means turn off this function. The unit is percentage. Enable this function the device will detect every minutes. Enable this functionality will cause some issue please see the detail in the “Illumination Report” section.
PIR Sensitivity
PIR sensitivity settings. 0 means disable the PIR motion. 1 means the lowest sensitivity, 99 means the highest sensitivity. High sensitivity means can detected long distance, but if there is more noise signal in the environment, it will re-trigger too frequency.
Light Threshold
Setting the illumination threshold to turn on the light. When the event triggered and the environment illumination lower then the threshold, the device will turn on the light. 0 means turn off illumination detected function. And never turn on the light. 1 means darkest. 99 means brightest. 100 means turn off illumination detected function. And always turn on the light. Notice: In none test mode, only the value in 1 to 99 will enable the illumination detected function and update the illumination value.
Operation Mode
Operation mode. Using bit to control. Bit0: Reserve. Bit1: 1 means test mode, 0 means normal mode. Notice: This bit only effect by the DIP Switch setting to “customer mode”, otherwise it decides by DIP Switch setting to Test or Normal Mode. Bit2: Reserve. Bit3: Setting the temperature scale. 0: Fahrenheit, 1:Celsius Bit4: Disable the illumination report after event triggered. (1:Disable, 0:Enable) Bit5: Disable the temperature report after event triggered. (1:Disable, 0:Enable) Bit6: Reserve. Bit7: Disable the back key release into test mode. (1:Disable, 0:Enable) Notice: The reserve bit is allowed any value, but no effect.
Mult-Sensor Function Switch
Multisensor function switch. Using bit to control. Bit0: Reserve. Bit1: Disable PIR integrate Illumination to turn ON the lighting nodes in the association group 2. (1:Disable, 0:Enable) Bit2: Reserve. Bit3: Reserve. Bit4: Reserve. Bit5: Reserve. Bit6: Reserve. Bit7: Reserve. Notice: The reserve bit is allowed any value, but no effect.
Customer Function
Customer function switch, using bit control. Bit0: Reserve. Bit1: Enable sending motion OFF report. (0:Disable, 1:Enable) Note: Depends on the Bit4, 0: Report Notification CC, Type: 0x07, Event: 0xFE 1: Sensor Binary Report, Type: 0x0C, Value: 0x00 Bit2: Enable PIR super sensitivity mode. (0:Disable, 1:Enable) Bit3: Reserve. Bit4: Notification Type, 0: Using Notification Report. 1: Using Sensor Binary Report. Bit5: Disable Multi CC in auto report. (1:Disable, 0:Enable) Bit6: Disable to report battery state when the device triggered. (1:Disable, 0:Enable) Bit7: Reserve. Notice: The reserve bit is allowed any value, but no effect.
PIR Re-Detect Interval Time
In the normal mode, after the PIR motion detected, setting the re-detect time. 8 seconds per tick, default tick is 3 (24 seconds). Setting the suitable value to prevent received the trigger signal too frequently. Also can save the battery energy. Notice: If this value bigger than the configuration setting NO. 9. There is a period after the light turned off and the PIR not start detecting.
Turn Off Light Time
After turn on the lighting, setting the delay time to turn off the lighting when the PIR motion is not detected. 8 seconds per tick, default tick is 4 (32 seconds). 0 means never send turn off light command.
There are two tamper keys in the device, one is in the back side, another is in the front side. Both of them can add, remove, reset or association from Z-Wave network.
To add into a Z-Wave network:
1. Have Z-Wave Controller entered inclusion mode.
2. Pressing tamper key three times within 1.5 seconds to enter the inclusion mode.
3. After add successful, the device will wake to receive the setting command from Z-Wave Controller about 20 seconds.
There are two tamper keys in the device, one is in the back side, another is in the front side. Both of them can add, remove, reset or association from Z-Wave network.
To remove the device from a Z-Wave network:
1. Have Z-Wave Controller entered exclusion mode.
2. Pressing tamper key three times within 1.5 seconds to enter the exclusion mode.
Node ID has been excluded.
Device Wake-Up
There are two tamper keys in the device, one is in the back side, another is in the front side. Both of them can add, remove, reset or association from Z-Wave network.
Press any key once, the device will awake 10 seconds.
Factory Reset
There are two tamper keys in the device, one is in the back side, another is in the front side. Both of them can add, remove, reset or association from Z-Wave network.
To reset the device:
Notice: Use this procedure only in the event that the primary controller is lost or otherwise inoperable.
1. Pressing tamper key four times within 1.5 seconds and do not release the tamper key in the 4th pressed, and the LED will light ON.
2. After 3 seconds the LED will turn OFF, after that within 2 seconds, release the tamper key. If successful, the LED will light ON one second. Otherwise, the LED will flash once.
3. IDs are excluded and all settings will reset to factory default.




Sencillo y una forma diferente

Por como es fisicamente me ha sido muy util para usarlo en un mueble. El sensor hay que ponerle un prametro para que detecte movimiento de forma agil y rapida: parametro 7 1 byte = 22

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Philio PST02-1B 3-in-1 Z-Wave Multisensor (movement, brightness, temperature)

Philio PST02-1B 3-in-1 Z-Wave Multisensor (movement, brightness, temperature)

Z-Wave multisensor for sensing presence / movement, brightness (lumens) and ambient temperature

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