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Aeotec Smart Switch 7 - Z-Wave Plus On-Off Plug with consumption meter



The Aeotec Smart Switch 7 jack is a switch that allows you to control lighting or any other device through the Z-Wave controls.

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65,99 €

Technical characteristics

Home Automation Technology Z-Wave Plus
Characteristic Consumption Measurement

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Plug it. Automate it Control it. Know how much electricity you are spending. Aeotec Smart Switch 7 is Aeotec's smallest smart plug and also the safest.

Intelligence is under control. Appliances turn on when necessary and turn off when they are not. On a schedule. Or automated intelligently and activated when necessary. You are completely over control. It is smart because it can be automated. But it is also a smart plug because the power to turn it on or off manually is always there.

In real time and with 99% accuracy, Aeotec Smart Switch 7 analyzes the electricity consumption of appliances and helps you save what you spend. In addition, the Aeotec Smart Switch 7 is one of the best in design and quality. European design, German engineering and SGS certification make Aeotec Smart Switch 7 the smallest and safest smart plug.

Smart switch for Aeotec Smart Switch 7 plug. Smartest. The safest. Even smaller.

Plug it. Automate Checked. And understand how much electricity you spend. Aeotec Smart Switch 7 - Aeotec's smallest smart plug is also the safest for everyone.

Intelligence is under control.
The devices turn on when necessary and turn off when they are not. In a calendar Or automated intelligently and activated when necessary.

You have the control.
It is smart because it can be automated. But it is also a smart plug, because you always have the possibility to turn it on or off manually.

The expenses are under control.
In real time and with 99% accuracy, Aeotec Smart Switch 7 will analyze the electrical consumption of the devices and help you save on your expenses.

Quality is under control.
European design, German engineering and SGS certification make the Smart Switch 7 the smallest and safest smart plug.

Incredible long range.
Thanks to its improved antenna design and the use of Z-Wave and S2, the wireless signal of the Smart Switch 7 reaches up to 150 meters in real use and now communicates with 50% faster reactivity.

Almost instantaneous configuration.
The connection of the Aeotec Smart Switch 7 to a smart hub is done in a few seconds. With integrated SmartStart, compatible gateways can be connected wirelessly simply by scanning the QR code of the socket.

Anti-piracy activated.
No smart plug has been safer. Aeotec Smart Switch 7 uses 3 different security levels, including Z-Wave S2, to make hacking and hacking virtually impossible.


The smallest and safest smart plug
43x43mm in diameter. Only a few millimeters larger than a real catch.
48.6% smaller than the Smart Switch 6.
SGS certified. Certification company based in Switzerland. One of the 3 largest EU certification companies.
"5 seconds of installation". Integrate SmartStart
3 layers of wireless security; unique network keys, 128-bit AES encryption and ECDH key exchange.
Integrated surge protection.
Protects against surges / spikes up to 2,000 volts.
Designed according to CE standards EN60950 and EN301489
Integrated overcurrent protection - up to 10 amps.


Wireless Technology: Z-Wave
Z-Wave Plus: yes
Security class: not secure, S0, S2 not authenticated and authenticated
SmartStart: yes
Input voltage: 230V 50Hz
Operating current: 7mA
Standby Current: 4mA
Maximum output current: 10 A (resistive load)
Maximum output power: 2300W
Dimensions: 43.4 x 43.4 x 43.4 x 68mm
Weight: 56g
Maximum standby power: 0.6W
Repeater: yes
Operating temperature: 0 to 40 ° C
Operating humidity: 8% to 80%.
Operating distance: 35m indoors, 150m outdoors
Impermeability index: IP20
Minimum power sensor reading: 2W
Percentage of error in energy reading:
Less than 300W: + -3W
Greater than or equal to 300W: + -1%.

Extended Z-Wave info

Name: Smart Switch 7
Z-Wave Certification Number:ZC10-19066544
Hardware Plattform:ZM5101
Role Type:Always On Slave
Short Description:A small but powerful switch with energy metering function.
Description:1. Elegant appearance, small size, easy to use, friendly operation. 2. Support power metering function, with high measurement accuracy, and more accurate knowledge of the power consumption of the load. 3. Support over-current, over-load and over-heat protection, which is more secure and reliable. 4. Support scene personalization and is more intelligent. 5. Support Night Light Mode to reduce light pollution. 6. Support S2 Security, which is safer and more reliable. 7. Support SmartStart, making inclusion more convenient.

Manual download HERE.

Max Nodes
Z-Wave Plus Lifeline. *Device Reset Locally Notification: Issued when Factory Reset is performed. *Basic Report: Issued when switch state has changed. *Binary Switch Report: Issued when switch state has changed. *Color Switch Report: Issued when a color component level of the Indicator Light has changed. *Multilevel Switch Report: Issued when the multilevel switch value of the Indicator Light has changed. *Notification Report (Type=0x08; Event=0x06): Issued when over-current detected. *Notification Report (Type=0x08; Event=0x08): Issued when over-load detected. *Notification Report (Type=0x08; Event=0x00): Issued when over-current or over-load is release. *Notification Report (Type=0x09; Event=0x03): Issued when built-in unrecoverable temperature fuse detected the internal temperature exceeds the limit and disconnect. *Meter Report: Issued periodically to report the current Meter reading, and the sending frequency is related to Configuration Parameter 0x6F (111). Issued when the current Power, Power Consumption or Current is over the threshold value.
Retransmit a Basic Set, Binary Switch Set or Scene Activation Set to the nodes associated.
Size (Bytes)
Default Value
Setting to disable alarm
Determines the method of disabling the alarm of the device. Note: Power off will also disable the alarm response without any limitation.
Configure which meter reading will be periodically report via Lifeline.
The format of the parameter is Bit field (Checkboxes). The parameter MUST be treated as a bit field where each individual bit can be set or reset. A graphical configuration tool SHOULD present this parameter as a series of checkboxes. Note: The sending frequency is related to Configuration Parameter 0x6F (111).
Configure the sending frequency of Meter Report.
Configure the sending frequency of Meter Report.
LED blinking frequency
When receiving the enable Alarm, it will flash according to the blink frequency configured by this parameter until the Alarm is disable. Brightness level and color is based on current indicator. If the value of brightness level and color is 0, it will flash based on last visible color.
Start or stop LED blinking.(Write Only)
The parameter can be used to test the effect of LED blinking.
Action in case of power out.
Action in case of power out.
Factory Reset or Initialization (Write Only)
Factory Reset or Initialization (Write Only)
Over-load protection
Define a threshold power and automatically turn off switch when the load connected bypasses the maximum allowed power regardless of always on setting. Over-load protection will be active if the load power exceeds the setting and lasts for more than 30s. If be active, Indicator Light will become red light blinking and the product will send out Notification Report (Over-load detected), and disable the function that manually or RF control the switch state until users set Protection State to be unprotected through the Gateway or Controller. Even power off will still keep Protection State.
Alarm Response
Enabled by (Alarm Settings), and determines what the switch does in the case an alarm is triggered. When receives any alarm enabled by Alarm Settings, Indicator Light will keep blinking based on Parameter 0x12 (18). It will prohibit user from manually or RF control the switch state until the alarm is disable.
Configure what command will be sent via Lifeline when switch state has changed.
Configure what command will be sent via Lifeline when switch state has changed.
Load Indicator Mode setting.
Note: Configuring brightness and color of Indicator Light in different time/status of different modes will be saved in the current setting mode. Please refer to the manual for more details.
Configure the enable and disable time of Night Light Mode
If you want to set Night Light Mode to be enable at 19:00 at night and disable at 07:30 in the morning, you just need to configure: Value1=0x13, Value2=0x00, Value3=0x07, Value4=0x1E.
Alarm Settings
Determine if alarms are enabled in Switch, and what Switch will react to which alarm. The format of the parameter is Bit field (Checkboxes). The parameter MUST be treated as a bit field where each individual bit can be set or reset. A graphical configuration tool SHOULD present this parameter as a series of checkboxes. Please refer to the manual for more details about supported Notification Type and Notification Event.
Threshold Power (W) for inducing automatic report.
Threshold Power (W) for inducing automatic report.
Threshold Power Consumption (kWh) for inducing automatic report.
Threshold Power Consumption (kWh) for inducing automatic report.
Threshold Current (A) for inducing automatic report.
Threshold Current (A) for inducing automatic report.
Notification V4
Scene Activation
Switch Binary
Application Status
Association Group Info
Association V2
Device Reset Locally
Firmware Update Meta-Data V4
Manufacturer Specific V2
Meter V4
Notification V4
Protection V2
Scene Activation
Scene Actuator Conf
Security S0
Security S2
Switch Binary
Switch Color
Switch Multilevel V2
Transport Service V2
Version V2
Z-Wave Plus Info V2
1. Set your Z-Wave Controller into its 'Remove Device' mode in order to remove the product from your Z-Wave system. Refer to the Controller's manual if you are unsure of how to perform this step.

2. Make sure the product is powered. If not, plug it into a wall socket and power on.

3. Click Action Button 2 times quickly; it will bright violet light, up to 2s.

4. If Removing fails, it will bright red light for 2s and then turn back to Load Indicator Mode; repeat steps 1 to 3. Contact us for further support if needed.

5. If Removing succeeds, it will become breathing blue light. Now, it is removed from Z-Wave network successfully.
This product supports Security 2 Command Class. While a Security S2 enabled Controller is needed in order to fully use the security feature. This product can be included and operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers and/or other applications. All non-battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the network.

(1) SmartStart Learn Mode

SmartStart enabled products can be added into a Z-Wave network by scanning the Z-Wave QR Code present on the product with a controller providing SmartStart inclusion. No further action is required and the SmartStart product will be added automatically within 10 minutes of being switched on in the network vicinity.

Indicator Light will become flash white light for 1s indicating the product has been powered, and then become flash blue light indicating SmartStart Learn Mode starts. It will become constantly bright yellow light after being assigned a NodeID.

If Adding succeeds, it will bright blue light for 2s and become Load Indicator Mode.

If Adding fails, it will bright red light for 2s and turn back to breathing blue light and then start SmartStart Learn Mode again.


The label of QR Code on the product and package are used for SmartStart Inclusion. The Z-Wave DSK Code is at bottom of the package. Please do not remove or damage them.

(2) Classic Inclusion Learn Mode

1. Set your Z-Wave Controller into its 'Add Device' mode in order to add the product into your Z-Wave system. Refer to the Controller's manual if you are unsure of how to perform this step.

2. Make sure the product is powered. If not, plug it into a wall socket and power on; its LED will be breathing blue light all the time.

3. Click Action Button once, it will quickly flash blue light for 30 seconds until it is added into the network. It will become constantly bright yellow light after being assigned a NodeID.

4. If your Z-Wave Controller supports S2 encryption, enter the first 5 digits of DSK into your Controller's interface if /when requested. The DSK is printed on its housing.

5. If Adding fails, it will bright red light for 2s and then become breathing blue light; repeat steps 1 to 4. Contact us for further support if needed.

6. If Adding succeeds, it will bright blue light for 2s and then turn to Load Indicator Mode. Now, this product is a part of your Z-Wave home control system. You can configure it and its automations via your Z-Wave system; please refer to your software's user guide for precise instructions.


If Action Button is clicked again during the Classic Inclusion Learn Mode, the Classic Inclusion Learn Mode will exit. At the same time, Indicator Light will bright red light for 2s, and then become breathing blue light.
Factory Reset
If the primary controller is missing or inoperable, you may need to reset the device to factory settings.

Make sure the product is powered. If not, plug it into a wall socket and power on. To complete the reset process manually, press and hold the Action Button for at least 15s and then release. The LED indicator will become breathing blue light, which indicates the reset operation is successful. Otherwise, please try again. Contact us for further support if needed.


1. This procedure should only be used when the primary controller is missing or inoperable.

2. Factory Reset will:

(a) Remove the product from Z-Wave network;

(b) Delete the Association setting;

(c) Restore the configuration settings to the default.
Additional Special Features
Regardless of the state of the product, when over-current or over-load detected, it will automatically TURN OFF switch and set Local Protection State to be 2 and RF Protection State to be 1, and start red light blinking. Users can’t manually or RF control the switch state until setting the Protection State to be unprotected through the Gateway or Controller, even power off will still keep Protection State.
S2 Authenticated
S2 Unauthenticated
Sensor types supported by the product.
Supported Notification Types
Select the Notification Types that the product handles (controllers), or sends (slaves).
Switch Load Capacity Watts
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Watts
Z-Wave Scene Type
Indicates which of the two types of Z-Wave scene command classes are supported. Scenes or Central Scene
Supported Meter Type
Indicate which type of metering is supported by the device.
If the product is only available in one color, pick the color from the list.
Firmware Updatable
Indicates whether the firmware can be updated and whether it is done by the consumer or a technician.
Outdoor Use
Product is suitable for use outdoors.



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Aeotec Smart Switch 7 - Z-Wave Plus On-Off Plug with consumption meter

Aeotec Smart Switch 7 - Z-Wave Plus On-Off Plug with consumption meter

The Aeotec Smart Switch 7 jack is a switch that allows you to control lighting or any other device through the Z-Wave controls.

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