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Heatit Z-Water2 - Controlador de suelo radiante Z-Wave Plus



Equipado con 9 relés libres de potencial para actuadores. También dispone de 2 entradas analógicas para sensores de temperatura.

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272,25 €

Características técnicas

Tecnología Domótica Z-Wave Serie 800


Heatit Z-Water2 es un regulador de carril DIN para controlar sistemas de calefacción por agua. El módulo se sujeta directamente a un carril DIN y le permite controlar su calefacción por agua a través de su red Z-Wave. Heatit Z-Water2 está equipado con 9 relés libres de potencial para actuadores. También tiene 2 entradas analógicas para sensores de temperatura.

Los relés de Heatit Z-Water2 pueden ser controlados por asociaciones con otros termostatos Z-Wave, por ejemplo Heatit. Cada relé puede controlar uno o varios actuadores en su sistema de calefacción por suelo radiante.

Características Principales

Diseño compacto - La unidad ocupa poco espacio pero tiene un total de 9 salidas de relé.

Ejercicio de válvula - Evite que los actuadores se atasquen con el ejercicio de válvula configurable incorporado.

Antena externa - Posibilidad de conectar una antena externa para mejorar el alcance.

Control de temperatura - A través de entradas para sensores de temperatura externos puede tener un control total sobre la temperatura del agua en su sistema.

Relés libres de potencial - La unidad tiene relés libres de potencial para que pueda controlar actuadores con diferentes voltajes.

Control de termostato - Se puede utilizar en combinación con diferentes termostatos Heatit.

Ficha Técnica

Regulador para sistemas de calefacción por agua
9 relés libres de potencial
Ejercicio de válvulas
Puede controlar actuadores de 230VAC y actuadores de 24V desde una fuente de alimentación externa
Puede utilizarse con termostatos Heatit en cada zona de calefacción
Montaje en carril DIN
Conector para antena externa
Actualización de firmware (OTA)
Soporta modo de encriptación S0, S2 Clase Autenticada, S2 Clase No Autenticada

Datos técnicos

Protocolo IOT: Z-Wave - 868,4 MHz (UE)

Tensión: 240V, 230V 50Hz

Corriente máxima (amperios): 5

Uso propio de energía (vatios): 0,4

Temperatura máxima de instalación (°C): 40

Temperatura mínima de instalación (°C): 5

Temperatura mínima de funcionamiento (°C): 5

Temperatura mínima de funcionamiento (°C): 5

Temperatura máxima de funcionamiento (vatios):0,4 temperatura de trabajo (°C): 5

Grado de protección (IP): IP20

Certificaciones: Z-Wave Plus

Humedad ambiente (HR sin condensación %): 10-85

Rango de temperatura ambiente en almacenamiento (°C): -30-70

Efecto bruto total (W): 1500

Declaraciones: CE, declaración CE

Norma internacional: CE

Rango de señal de radiofrecuencia (nº máx. de metros): 40

Dimensión máxima de conexión (mm²): 2,5mm²

Humedad ambiente máxima (%HR): 85% RF

Temperatura máxima sin carga (°C): 40

Temperatura máxima con carga (°C): 40

Situación de montaje / fijación: Carril DIN

Tamaño del embalaje: 1

Altura del producto (mm): 58

Longitud del producto (mm): 86

Anchura del producto (mm): 105

IOT Tipo de chip: Chip Z-Wave 800

Modo de cifrado Z-Wave: S2 Clase no autenticada, S2 Clase autenticada, S0

Información Ampliada Z-Wave (Inglés)

Nombre: Heatit Z-Water2
Número de Certificación Z-Wave:ZC14-23060294
Plataforma Hardware:EFR32ZG23A
Tipo de Role:Always On End Node
Descripción Corta:Heatit Z-Water2 is a DIN-rail regulator for controlling waterbased heating systems. The module clips right onto a DIN-rail and allows you to control your waterbased heating through your Z-Wave™ network.
Descripción:Heatit Z-Water2 is a DIN-rail regulator for controlling waterbased heating systems. The module clips right onto a DIN-rail and allows you to control your waterbased heating through your Z-Wave™ network.
Max Nodos
Tamaño (Bytes)
Valor por Defecto
Input 1 calibration
Manually calibrate input 1
Input 2 calibration
Manually calibrate input 2
Temperature report interval
Set temperature report interval
Temperature report hysteresis
Temperature report hysteresis in Celsius
Power restore state
Relay state after power failure
Inverted outputs
Decide if output should be inverted
Valve inactivity exercise
Valve exercise period
Select antenna type
Choose internal or external antenna
Association Group Information (AGI) V3
Association V2
Basic V2
Binary Switch V2
Configuration V4
Device Reset Locally
Firmware Update Meta Data V5
Indicator V3
Manufacturer Specific V2
Multi Channel Association V3
Multi Channel V4
Multilevel Sensor V11
Security 0
Security 2
Transport Service V2
Version V3
Z-Wave Plus Info V2
Where to find S2 DSK on product
Paragraph 11.

The QR-Code is needed when including a device using S2 security or SmartStart. The DSK can be found in the QR-Code

and is located;

• On the product.

• In the Quick Guide.

• On the packaging box/gift box.
Classic Inclusion
The primary controller/gateway has a mode for adding devices. Please refer to your primary controller manual on how to set the primary controller in add mode. The device may only be added from the network if the primary controller is in add mode. When the device is removed from the network, it will NOT revert to factory settings. An always listening node must be powered continuously and reside in a fixed position in the installation to secure the routing table. Adding the device within a 2 meter range from the gateway can minimize faults during the Interview process.

Standard (Manual)

Add mode is indicated on the device by a blinking green LED. It indicates this for 90 seconds until a timeout occurs, or until the device has been added to the network. Configuration mode can also be cancelled by performing the same procedure used for starting Configuration mode.

To start the configuration process, press the reset button 3 times in rapid succession. The LED will light up solid green for 3 seconds if add is successful. The device is now ready for use with default settings.

NB! When the device is removed from the gateway, the parameters are not reset. To reset the parameters, see Chapter ”Factory reset”.

If inclusion fails, please perform a ”remove device” process and try again. If inclusion fails again, please see “Factory reset”.
Classic Exclusion
The primary controller/gateway has a mode for removing devices. Please refer to your primary controller manual on how to set the primary controller in remove mode. The device may only be removed from the network if the primary controller is in remove mode. When the device is removed from the network, it will NOT revert to factory settings. An always listening node must be powered continuously and reside in a fixed position in the installation to secure the routing table.

Standard (Manual)

Remove mode is indicated on the device by a blinking green LED. It indicates this for 90 seconds until a timeout occurs, or until the device has been removed from the network. Configuration mode can also be cancelled by performing the same procedure used for starting Configuration mode.

To start the configuration process, press the reset button 3 times in rapid succession. The LED will light up solid green for 3 seconds if remove is successful. The device is now ready for use with default settings.

NB! When the device is removed from the gateway, the parameters are not reset. To reset the parameters, see Chapter ”Factory reset”.
Factory Reset Procedure
Press and hold the reset button. After 3 seconds the LED will start to blink green. After 20 seconds the LED will start blinking green rapidly. You may now release the button. If reset was successful the LED will light up solid green for 3 seconds.
Other Special Features
* External antenna (U.FL female connector)

The device allows you to connect a U.FL female connector antenna. This allows the antenna to be wired outside of the installation location in cases of unsatisfactory wireless performance. This connector is placed in the middle of the radio module that is sticking out of the main PCB. See Chapter 22 for a detailed illustration of the placement. Set parameter 8 to 1 to activate this feature.

* Automatic valve exercise

Valve exercising is beneficial during longer periods of inactivity to ensure the proper operability of the valves and prevent the valves from getting stuck. If not exercised, corrosion or other buildup may result in the valve becoming inoperable or prevent complete closure. To activate this feature see parameter 7.

* Can control 230VAC actuators and 24VDC actuators from an external power supply.
S2 Authenticated
S2 Unauthenticated
If the product is only available in one color, pick the color from the list.
Firmware Updatable
Indicates whether the firmware can be updated and whether it is done by the consumer or a technician.
IP (Ingress Protection) Rated
Product is suitable for Outdoor use and is waterproof under an IP (Ingress Protection) rating system.
Loads Controlled
The number of different loads controllable by the product if it supports more than one.
Switch Load Capacity Current
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Amps



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Heatit Z-Water2 - Controlador de suelo radiante Z-Wave Plus

Heatit Z-Water2 - Controlador de suelo radiante Z-Wave Plus

Equipado con 9 relés libres de potencial para actuadores. También dispone de 2 entradas analógicas para sensores de temperatura.

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