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FIBARO Wall Plug GEN 5 Enchufe Z-Wave (on/off) con medidor de consumo



El enchufe de pared de Fibaro es un módulo de enchufe inteligente Z-Wave Plus extremadamente compacto, que puede controlar la iluminación u otros equipos conectados a su toma. Se trata del enchufe controlado por Z-Wave quizás más pequeño del mercado.

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64,95 €


73,81 €

Características técnicas

Tecnología Domótica Z-Wave Plus
Característica Medición de Consumo


El enchufe controlado de Fibaro es un módulo inteligente y extremadamente compacto, que le permite controlar la iluminación y otros dispositivos a través de comandos Z-Wave. Está diseñado para trabajar con cualquier tipo de carga eléctrica de hasta 2500W de potencia máxima.

Este módulo además dispone de la función de medir el consumo de energía. Por lo tanto, los valores de consumo instantáneo y el consumo total se envían a la Unidad de Control Z-Wave. Un indicador visual también permite conocer de un vistazo el consumo: un aro luminoso tipo LED verde indica un bajo consumo de energía, mientras que un aro luminoso tipo LED rojo, indica un consumo muy alto.

Este módulo también ofrece una característica única: la posibilidad de probar la cobertura de la red Z-Wave. Sólo tiene que pulsar unos segundos de la tecla del módulo, el LED de luz violeta le informa de que el sistema está en modo de prueba, lo que le permite ver la cobertura actual por el color mostrado.

Es necesaria una Unidad de Control (controlador) Z-Wave para integrar este módulo en la red. Cada módulo Z-Wave actúa como un repetidor inalámbrico con otros módulos para garantizar una cobertura total en su hogar.


  • Permite controlar una lámpara o un aparato eléctrico.
  • Se integra directamente en una toma de corriente (enchufe tipo schuko)
  • El más compacto del mercado, lo que permite usar enchufes adyacentes
  • Control ON / OFF de lámparas o electrodomésticos
  • Medición del consumo de potencia de la carga conectada
  • Alerta en caso de sobrecarga (> 2500W)
  • Alerta si la temperatura es > 55 ° C
  • Control de carga a nivel local a través del botón incorporado
  • Indica en tiempo real de consumo gracias a su aro de luz
  • Característica única: prueba de cobertura de la red Z-Wave
  • Protección de manipulado por niños y  función de luz nocturna
  • Actualizable via radio ZWave con Fibaro Home Center 2
  • Facilidad de uso e instalación


  • Tipo de módulo: receptor Z-Wave / Z-Wave Plus
  • Fuente de alimentación: 110-230 V AC ± 10% 50/60Hz
  • Potencia máxima: 2,5 kW
  • Consumo: 0,8 W
  • Frecuencia: 868,42 MHz
  • Distancia de transmisión: en campo abierto 50 metros, 30 metros en edificación
  • Dimensiones: 43 x 65 mm (diámetro x altura)
  • Temperatura de funcionamiento: 0º - 40 ° C
  • Temperatura límite: 105 ° C
  • Normas: EN 55015 y EN 60669-2-1
Z-Wave Plus - Fibaro ZW5

Información Ampliada Z-Wave (Inglés)

Nombre: FIBARO Wall Plug E/F
Número de Certificación Z-Wave:ZC10-18025991
Plataforma Hardware:ZM5202
Tipo de Role:Always On Slave
Descripción Corta:FIBARO Wall Plug is a universal, Z-Wave Plus compatible, remotely controlled outlet adapter designed to control electrical devices with up to 2500W load.
Descripción:FIBARO Wall Plug is a universal, Z-Wave Plus compatible, remotely controlled outlet adapter. This device may be applied wherever you want to control electrical devices with up to 2500W load. The Wall Plug is equipped with a power and energy metering function. It uses a LED ring to visualize the current load with colour changing illumination and operating mode. This is the smallest and most attractive device of this type available in the world. The Wall Plug may be operated using the B-button located on its casing or via any Z-Wave compatible controller. Main features: • Compatible with any Z-Wave or Z-Wave Plus Controller. • Supports protected mode (Z-Wave network security mode) with AES-128 encryption. • Extremely easy installation - simply plug the device into the mains socket. • Works as a Z-Wave signal repeater. • Active power and energy consumption metering. • Current value of the load and operating mode are indicated by the multi-colour LED ring.

Descargue el manual desde aquí.

Max Nodos
“Lifeline” reports the device status and allows for assigning single device only (main controller by default).
“On/Off (button)” devices in this group will be switched on or off when relay status is changed using the B-button (done via BASIC SET command frames).
“On/Off (power)” devices in this group will be switched on or off depending on the current load (done via BASIC SET command frames).
Tamaño (Bytes)
Valor por Defecto
Always On function
Once activated, Wall Plug will keep the connected device constantly ON, will stop reacting to alarm frames or pushing the B-button. “Always On” function turns the Wall Plug into a power and energy meter. Connected device will not be turned off upon receiving an alarm frame from another Z-Wave device (parameter 31 will be ignored). In “Always on” mode, connected device may be turned off only after user defined power has been exceeded (parameter 3). In such a case, connected device can be turned on again by pushing the B-button or sending a control frame. By default, overload protection is inactive.
High priority power report
This parameter determines the minimum percentage change in active power that will result in sending power report to the main controller with the highest priority in the Z-Wave network. By default, the Wall Plug immediately sends the power report if the power load changes by 80%. NOTE In extreme cases, reports may be sent every second if rapid and significant power load changes occur. Frequent reporting may overload the Z-Wave network so these parameter’s settings should reflect significant changes in power load only.
Standard power report
This parameter determines the minimum percentage change in active power that will result in sending power report to the main controller Compared to parameter 10, the maximum number of reports sent is reduced (parameter 12) to 5 in a specified time interval. In addition, the frames are not sent in EXPLORE mode, which prevents overloading the Z-Wave network. By default changes in power load may be reported up to 5 times per 30 seconds, when power load changes by 15%.
Power reporting interval
This parameter defines how frequently standard power reports (parameter 11) are sent. By default the Wall Plug sends up to 5 reports each 30 seconds, provided the power load changes by 15%.
Energy reporting threshold
This parameter specifies the minimum change in energy consumption (in relation to the previously reported), that will result in sending a new report.
Power and energy periodic reports
This parameter defines time period between reports sent when changes in power load have not been recorded or if changes are insignificant (not exceeding values of parameters 20, 21 and 23). By default reports are sent every hour.
Measuring energy consumed by the Wall Plug itself
This parameter determines whether energy metering should include the amount of energy consumed by the Wall Plug itself. Results are being added to energy consumed by controlled device.
Remember device status after a power failure
This parameter determines how the Wall Plug will react in the event of power supply failure (e.g. taking out from the electrical outlet). After the power supply is back on, the Wall Plug can be restored to previous state or remain switched off. This parameter is ignored in „Always On” mode - the device automatically turns ON after plugging it into the socket.
Control of „On/Off (Button)” association group (2) devices
Controlling devices with the B-Button. This parameter is inactive in “Always On” mode (parameter 1). Control as the Wall Plug: • switching the Wall Plug on – switch the devices on (parameter 24) • switching the Wall Plug off – switch the devices off (parameter 24) Control opposite to the Wall Plug: • switching the Wall Plug on – switch the devices off • switching the Wall Plug off – switch the devices on
DOWN value - „On/Off (Power)” association group (3)
Lower power threshold, used in parameter 23. DOWN value cannot be higher than a value specified in parameter 22.
UP value - „On/Off (Power)” association group (3)
Upper power threshold, used in parameter 23. UP value cannot be lower than a value specified in parameter 21.
The response after exceeding defined power values
This parameter defines the way that 3rd association group devices are controlled. Depends on the actual measured power (as parameters 21 and 22 settings).
SWITCH ON value - „On/Off” association groups
The value of BASIC SET command frame sent to the devices associated in „On/Off” association groups (2, 3). „On/Off (Button)” association group - in accordance with parameter 20. „On/Off (Power)” association group - in accordance with parameter 23. NOTE Setting parameter 24 to appropriate value will result in: 0 - turning off associated devices 1-99 - forcing level of associated devices 255 - setting associated devices to the last remembered state or turning them on
Overload safety switch
This function allows to turn off the controlled device in case of exceeding the defined power. Controlled device will be turned off even if “Always On” function is active (parameter 1). Controlled device can be turned back on via B-button or sending a control frame. By default this function is inactive. This functionality is not an overload safety protection nor a short circuit protection. Circuit needs additional short circuit and overload protection. CAUTION The device has a protection that will turn the load off in the case of detecting current greater than 110% of rated current. It is a safety function and it cannot be turned off. After its activation the load can be turned on back again by pressing the B-button or sending a control frame. This function is independent of overload safety switch set in the parameter no. 3.
Active alarms
Define Z-Wave network alarms to which the Wall Plug will respond.
Response to alarm frames
This parameter defines how the Wall Plug will respond to alarms (device’s status change). In case of values 1 or 2 the Wall Plug is operating normally and LED ring signals an alarm through time defined in parameter 32 or until the alarm is cancelled. In case of values 5 to 50 the Wall Plug does not report status change, power changes, ignores BASIC SET command frames. After time defined in parameter 32 or after the alarm cancellation, connected device is set to the previous state. NOTE If “Always On” function is active (parameter 1), settings of parameter 31 are ignored.
Alarm state duration
This parameter specifies the duration of alarm state. If a device sending an alarm frame through the Z-Wave network sets alarm duration as well, this settings are ignored.
Power load for violet colour
This parameter determines active power value, which when exceeded, causes the LED ring flash violet. Function is active only when parameter 41 is set to 0 or 1.
LED ring colour when controlled device is on
When set to 1 or 2, LED ring colour will change depending on active power and parameter 40. Other colours are set permanently and do not depend on power consumption.
LED ring illumination colour when controlled device is off
This parameter defines the illumination colour after turning off. 0 - illumination turned off completely 1 - LED ring is illuminated with a colour corresponding to the last measured power, before the controlled device was turned off 3 - white, 4 - red, 5 - green, 6 - blue, 7 - yellow 8 - cyan, 9 - magenta
LED ring illumination colour at the Z-Wave network alarm detection
This parameter defines the illumination colour in case of Z-Wave alarm. 0 - illumination turned off completely 1 - no change in colour. LED ring colour is determined by settings of parameters 41 or 42 2 - LED ring flashes red/blue/white 3 - white, 4 - red, 5 - green, 6 - blue, 7 - yellow 8 - cyan, 9 - magenta
Associations in Z-Wave network security mode
This parameter defines how commands are sent in specified association groups: as secure or non-secure. Parameter is active only in Z-Wave network security mode. This parameter does not apply to 1st „Lifeline” group.
Multi-Channel V4
Application Status
Association Group Info
Association V2
CRC16 Encapsulation
Device Reset Locally
Firmware Update Meta-Data V3
Manufacturer Specific V2
Meter V2
Multi-Channel Association V3
Notification V5
Security S0
Sensor Multilevel V5
Switch Binary
Version V2
Z-Wave Plus Info V2
1) Plug the device into a socket nearby the main Z-Wave controller.

2) The LED ring will glow green signalling being added (removing is not necessary otherwise).

3) Set the main Z-Wave controller into remove mode (see the controller’s manual).

4) Quickly, triple click the B-button located on the casing.

5) Wait for the removing process to end.

6) Successful removing will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller.

1) Plug the device into a socket nearby the main Z-Wave controller.

2) The LED ring will glow red signalling not being added (remove the device otherwise).

3) Set the main Z-Wave controller into adding mode (see the controller’s manual).

4) Quickly, triple click the B-button located on the casing.

5) Wait for the adding process to end.

6) Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller.

Device Wake-Up
Wakeup Description

FIBARO Wall Plug is powered with mains voltage so it is always awake.
Factory Reset
Resetting the device is not the recommended way of removing the device from the

Z-Wave network. Use reset procedure only if the primary controller is missing or

inoperable. Certain device removal can be achieved by the procedure of removing

described in “Adding/ removing the device”on page 6.

1) Make sure the device is powered.

2) Press and hold the B-button.

3) Wait for the LED ring to glow yellow (4th menu position).

4) Release the B-button.

5) Click the B-button once to confirm selection.

6) After few seconds the device will restart with factory settings, which is signalled with the red ring colour.

Supported Notification Types
Select the Notification Types that the product handles (controllers), or sends (slaves).
Sensor types supported by the product.
Switch Load Capacity Watts
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Watts
Switch Load Capacity Current
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Amps
Supported Meter Type
Indicate which type of metering is supported by the device.



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FIBARO Wall Plug GEN 5 Enchufe Z-Wave (on/off) con medidor de consumo

FIBARO Wall Plug GEN 5 Enchufe Z-Wave (on/off) con medidor de consumo

El enchufe de pared de Fibaro es un módulo de enchufe inteligente Z-Wave Plus extremadamente compacto, que puede controlar la iluminación u otros equipos conectados a su toma. Se trata del enchufe controlado por Z-Wave quizás más pequeño del mercado.

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