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Qubino Smart Plug 16A - Enchufe Z-Wave Plus on-off de pequeño tamaño



Enchufe inteligente con medición de consumo. El enchufe Z-Wave de 16A más pequeño del mercado. Con tecnologia Z-Wave Plus y medición de consumo. No limita la potencia del enchufe al que conectamos el enchufe inteligente ya que estos suelen ser de 16 amperios, al igual que este SmartPlug 16A de Qubino.

Más detalles

En Stock - Envío inmediato

67,58 €


76,80 €

Características técnicas

Tecnología Domótica Z-Wave Plus
Característica Medición de Consumo


El enchufe Z-Wave Qubino Smart Plug 16A es ideal para controlar de forma remota e inteligente dispositivos eléctricos, aparatos y dispositivos además de medir el consumo de energía. Sin reducir la capacidad de carga del enchufe de la casa al que se conecta, que normalmente será de 16 amperios, el Smart Plug 16A puede manejar incluso los dispositivos de mayor consumo en una vivienda u oficina, como el horno eléctrico de convección, la secadora, la lavadora o incluso múltiples dispositivos a la vez.

¿Cómo se puede usar Smart Plug 16A?

El Smart Plug 16A se puede usar en muchos escenarios diferentes, lo que puede ayudar a que su vida sea más cómoda.
Hay innumerables opciones para usar Qubino Smart Plug 16A para controlar y medir de forma remota el consumo de energía
de tus dispositivos conectados así como encenderlos y apagarlos manualmente o de forma inteligente basándonos en escenas o reacciones de eventos en nuestra domótica doméstica. Puedes verlo comparado con otros enchufes inteligentes Z-Wave aqui.

Enchufe Qubino Smart Plug 16A

Controlar y medir de forma remota el consumo de energía de un dispositivo eléctrico (lámpara de mesa, por ejemplo)

Control de lampara Z-Wave

Controlar y medir remotamente el consumo de energía de un dispositivo eléctrico (termo de agua caliente doméstico, por ejemplo)

Control de termo con el movil

Controlar y medir de forma remota el consumo de energía de un dispositivo eléctrico (por ejemplo, un horno)

Control remoto de un horno

Controle y mida remotamente el consumo de energía de un dispositivo eléctrico (una plancha, por ejemplo)

Control remoto de plancha

Controle y mida de forma remota el consumo de energía de un dispositivo eléctrico (un ventilador, por ejemplo)

Control remoto ventilador de techo

Controlar y medir de forma remota el consumo de energía de un dispositivo eléctrico (un radiador eléctrico, por ejemplo)

Control remoto de calefaccion con el movil

Medir de forma remota y/o acumulada el consumo de energía del frigorífico

Medir consumo del frigorifico

Medir de forma remota el consumo de energía del horno de microondas

Medir consumo horno microondas

Medir de forma remota el consumo de energía de la televisión

medir consumo electrico televisor

Medir de forma remota el consumo de energía de ordenadores y servidores conectados a una toma de corriente

Medir consumo de ordenadores o servidores

Ventajas principales

El enchufe inteligente Z-Wave Qubino Smart Plug 16A, el más pequeño del mercado de su categoría, es ideal para controlar de forma remota dispositivos eléctricos y medir el consumo de energía, sin reducir la potencia eléctrica del enchufe al que lo conectamos, como suele ocurrir con otros enchufes de la competencia. Puede controlar dispositivos de alto consumo (como medir su consumo de energía y encenderlos / apagarlos a distancia) y es un dispositivo Plug & Play.

Control de conmutación automático

El enchufe Z Wave Qubino Smart Plug 16A puede encender o apagar dispositivos / luces automáticamente después de un período de tiempo determinado (cuando está fuera de casa). Por ejemplo, la luz se apagará automáticamente si ha estado encendida durante 8 horas, digamos. Esta función es independiente de otras escenas y comandos de puerta de enlace (concentrador)

Controle otros dispositivos en su red Z-Wave

Conecte el Smart Plug 16A con otros dispositivos de su red para disparar de forma remota y automática otro dispositivo Z-Wave. Y haga que otros dispositivos Z-Wave activen su Qubino Smart Plug 16A

La instalación más simple

El Qubino Smart Plug 16A permite la instalación más fácil y rápida posible: es un dispositivo Plug & Play lo que significa que no se necesitan habilidades de instalación para la configuración del dispositivo. El dispositivo se adapta a cualquier toma de corriente schuko.

S: Botón de servicio (usado para incluir o excluir el Qubino Smart Plug 16A de la red Z-Wave y para encender / apagar el relé interno cunado se usa manualmente)


Cuando el Smart Plug 16A está EXCLUIDO :

Cuando el relé está APAGADO:

• el LED azul parpadea (1 segundo encendido, 1 segundo apagado)

Cuando el relé está ENCENDIDO:

• LED azul está encendido
• el LED rojo está parpadeando (0.3 seg ON, 0.3 seg OFF) cuando la corriente excede 14,4A
• el LED rojo está encendido después de que ocurrió la sobrecarga

Cuando el Smart Plug 16A está INCLUIDO:

Cuando el rele está APAGADO:

• El LED está apagado

Cuando el rele está ENCENDIDO:

• LED azul está encendido
• el LED rojo está parpadeando (0.3 seg ON, 0.3 seg OFF) cuando la corriente excede 14,4A
• el LED rojo está encendido después de que ocurrió la sobrecarga

Contenido del paquete:

El paquete contiene 1 producto y 1 manual de usuario.

Dimensiones del paquete (WxHxD): 43 x 52 x 75 mm
Peso bruto (con embalaje): 80 g


Qubino Smart Plug 16A Manual

Manual Avanzado de Qubino Smart Plug 16A

Descargar (2.44M)

Información Ampliada Z-Wave (Inglés)

Nombre: Smart Plug 16A
Número de Certificación Z-Wave:ZC10-18116325
Plataforma Hardware:ZM5101
Tipo de Role:Always On Slave
Descripción Corta:The Qubino Smart Plug 16A is ideal for remotely controlling electrical devices and measuring the energy consumption.
Descripción:The Smart Plug 16A controls on/off function for the connected device. It also measures power consumption of the connected device according to the principle of fast sampling of voltage and current signals. A built-in microprocessor calculates energy and power from the measured signals.

Descargue el manual desde aquí.

Max Nodos
Lifeline - Supports the following command classes: • Device Reset Locally: triggered upon request • Meter Report: triggered according to Configuration parameters 40 and 42 • Notification Report: triggered on overload/overcurrent or according to Configuration parameters 70, 71 and 72 • Switch Binary Report: triggered upon request or according to Configuration parameters 11 and 12
Plug Status - Supports the following command classes: • Basic set: triggered at change of relay state
Plug Threshold - Supports the following command classes: • Basic set: triggered at change of active power in combination with Configuration parameters 50, 51 and 52
Tamaño (Bytes)
Valor por Defecto
Parameter no. 11 - Turn Smart plug 16A Off Automatically with Timer
Parameter no. 11 - Turn Smart plug 16A Off Automatically with Timer If Smart plug 16A is ON, you can schedule it to turn OFF automatically after a period defined in this parameter. The timer is reset to zero each time the device receives an ON command, either remotely (from the gateway (hub) or associated device) or locally from the switch. Values (size is 2 byte dec): • default value 0 • 0 - Auto OFF Disabled 1 - 32535 = 1 - 32535 seconds. Auto OFF timer enabled for a given number of seconds.
Parameter no. 12 - Turn Smart plug 16A On Automatically with Timer
If Smart plug 16A is OFF, you can schedule it to turn ON automatically after a period of time defined in this parameter. The timer is reset to zero each time the device receives an OFF command, either remotely (from the gateway (hub) or associated device) or locally from the switch. Values (size is 2 byte dec): • default value 0 • 0 - Auto ON Disabled 1 - 32535 = 1 - 32535 seconds. Auto ON timer enabled- for a given amount of seconds.
Parameter no. 30 - Restore on/off status for Smart plug 16A after power failure
This parameter determines if on/off status is saved and restored for the Smart plug 16A after power failure. Values (size is 1 byte dec): • default value 0 • 0 - Device saves last on/off status and restores it after a power failure. • 1 - Device does not save on/off status and does not restore it after a power failure, it remains off.
Parameter no. 40 – Watt Power Consumption Reporting Threshold for Smart plug 16A
Choose by how much power consumption needs to increase or decrease to be reported. Values correspond to percentages, so if 20 is set (by default), the device will report any power consumption changes of 20% or more compared to the last reading. Values (size is 1 byte dec): • default value 20 • 0 - Power consumption reporting disabled • 1 - 100 = 1% - 100% Power consumption reporting enabled. New value is reported only when Wattage in real time changes by more than the percentage value set in this parameter compared to the previous Wattage reading, starting at 1% (the lowest value possible). Power consumption needs to increase or decrease by at least 1 Watt to be reported, REGARDLESS of percentage set in this parameter. NOTE: When reporting Watts, module will automatically report also [V] (Voltage) and [A] (Amperes)
Parameter no. 42 – Watt Power Consumption Reporting Time Threshold for Smart plug 16A Load
Set value refers to the time interval with which power consumption in Watts is reported (30 – 32535 seconds). Values (size is 2 byte dec): • default value 0 • 0 - Power consumption reporting on time interval disabled • 30 - 32535 = 30 - 32535 seconds. Power consumption reporting enabled. Report is sent according to time interval (value) set here. The device is reporting the following values (if there was a change): W, V and A. NOTE: The energy consumption (kWh) is reported regardless of the values, set in the parameters 40 and 42. The energy consumption will be reported, when it increases for at least 0,1 kWh.
Parameter no. 50 – Down value
Lower power threshold used in parameter no. 52. Values (size is 2 byte dec): • default value 30 = 30 W • 0 – 4000 = 0W – 4000 W Down value cannot be higher or equal to the value specified in parameter no. 51. If the set value is higher or equal to the value in parameter 51, the set command is ignored. NOTE: if parameter no. 50 value is 100W, if measured power is lower than 100W, the association is sent. Power threshold step is 1W
Parameter no. 51 – Up value
Upper power threshold used in parameter no. 52 Values (size is 2 byte dec): • default value 50 = 50 W • 0 – 4000 = 0 W – 4000W Up value cannot be lower or equal to the value specified in the parameter no. 50. If the set value is lower or equal to the value in parameter 50, the set command is ignored. NOTE: If parameter no. 51 value is 200W. If measured power is higher than 200W the association is sent. Power threshold step is 1W.
Parameter no. 52 - Action in case of exceeding defined power values (parameters 50 and 51)
Parameter defines the way 3rd association group devices are controlled, depending on the current power load Values (size is 1 byte dec): • default value 6 • 0 – function inactive • 1 – turn the associated devices on, once the power drops below Down value (parameter no. 50) • 2 – turn the associated devices off, once the power drops below Down value (parameter no. 50) • 3 – turn the associated devices on, once the power rises above Up value (parameter no. 51) • 4 – turn the associated devices off, once the power rises above Up value (parameter no. 51) • 5 – 1 and 4 combined. Turn the associated devices on, once the power drops below Down value (parameter no. 50). Turn the associated devices off, once the power rises above Up value (parameter no. 51). • 6 – 2 and 3 combined. Turn the associated devices off, once the power drops below Down value (parameter 50). Turn the associated devices on, once the power rises above Up value (parameter no. 51).
Parameter no. 70 - Overload safety switch
The function allows for turning off the controlled device in case of exceeding the defined power for more than 3 seconds. Controlled device can be turned back on by S-button or sending a control frame. By default this function is inactive. Values (size is 2 byte dec): • default value 0 • 1 – 4000 = 1 W – 4000W • 0 = function not active NOTE: This functionality is not an overload safety protection, please check installation note for details. In case of overload the following message will be send towards the controller: • COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION_V5 • The Alarm V1 type field set to 0x00 • Notification Type 0x08 and 0x08 (Overload detected) NOTE: Regardless of the value set in this parameter the overcurrent protection is always active and can not be disabled.
Parameter no. 71 – Power threshold
This functions allows setting the power threshold for triggering the Program started notification. When the threshold will be reached the notification will let the user know that the device connected to the smart plug started working. Values (size is 2 byte dec): • default value 0 • 1 – 4000 = 1 W – 4000W • 0 = function not active When the threshold is reached the following message will be send towards the controller: • COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION_V5 • The Alarm V1 type field set to 0x00 • Notification Type 0x0C and 0x01 (Program started)
Parameter no. 72 – Time interval
This function allows setting the time interval for triggering the Program completed notification. When the active power will fall below the power threshold set in parameter 71, the time interval will start and when it will expire the notification will let the user know that the device connected to the smart plug finished working. The time interval is useful for the devices that have pause intervals during operations. Values (size is 1 byte dec): • default value 1 • 0 – 125 = 0 – 125 minutes • 0 = immediate sending of notification when active power drops bellow threshold set in parameter 71 When the the time interval expires the following message will be send towards the controller: • COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION_V5 • The Alarm V1 type field set to 0x00 • Notification Type 0x0C and 0x03 (Program completed)
Parameter no. 73 – Turn Smart Plug OFF
This function allows turning the Smart Plug output to OFF once the time interval is expired and the Program completed notification is sent to the controller. Values (size is 1 byte dec): • default value 0 • 0 – function disabled • 1 – turn OFF relay once the notification Program completed is sent
Parameter no. 74 – Enable/disable LED
This function allows enabling or disabling the Smart Plug LED. In case the user doesn’t want the LED indicator he can turn it OFF with this parameter. NOTE: if an overload or overcurrent occurs the red LED will still turn ON regardless of the value set in this parameter. Values (size is 1 byte dec): • default value 1 • 0 – LED is disabled • 1 – LED is enabled
Basic V2
Association Group Information V2
Association V2
Basic V2
Device Reset Locally
Firmware Update Meta-Data V4
Manufacturer Specific V2
Meter V4
Notification V5
Security S0
Security S2
Switch Binary V2
Transport Service V2
Version V2
Z-Wave Plus Info V2

1. Connect the device to the power supply

2. Make sure the device is within direct range of your Z-Wave gateway (hub) or use a hand-held Z-Wave remote to perform exclusion

3. Enable add/remove mode on your Z-Wave gateway (hub)

4. Press and hold the Service button S from 2 to 6 seconds (with holding the S button for the interval between 2 and 6 seconds you put the device in EXCLUSION MODE)

5. The device will be removed from your network, but any custom configuration parameters will not be erased

1. Enable add/remove mode on your Z-Wave gateway (hub)

2. Automatic selection of secure/unsecure inclusion

3. The device can be automatically added to a Z-Wave network during the first 2 minutes

4. Connect the device to the power supply

5. Auto-inclusion will be initiated within 5 seconds of connection to the power supply and the device will automatically enrol in your network (when the device is excluded and connected to the power supply it automatically enters the INCLUSION MODE state.)
Factory Reset

• The reset is only possible the first minute after the power on

• Press and hold the service button S more than 6 seconds

• The device will be removed from your network and the led will start blinking. The device is now in its factory default state.

• When the S button is held more than 6 seconds after the first minute is passed, the relay should not react!

By resetting the device, all custom parameters previously set on the device will return to their default values, and the owner ID will be deleted. Use this reset procedure only when the main gateway (hub) is missing or otherwise inoperable.
Additional Special Features
1. Qubino Smart Plug 16A supports S2 Authenticated security.

2. Smart Plug 16A can automatically turn devices/lights on or off after a set period of time. Independent of other scenes and gateway (hub) commands.
S2 Authenticated
S2 Unauthenticated
IP (Ingress Protection) Rated
Product is suitable for Outdoor use and is waterproof under an IP (Ingress Protection) rating system.
Outdoor Use
Product is suitable for use outdoors.
If the product is only available in one color, pick the color from the list.
Supported Meter Type
Indicate which type of metering is supported by the device.
Firmware Updatable
Indicates whether the firmware can be updated and whether it is done by the consumer or a technician.
Supported Notification Types
Select the Notification Types that the product handles (controllers), or sends (slaves).
Switch Load Capacity Current
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Amps
Switch Load Capacity Watts
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Watts




Muy bien

Muy buen funcionamiento con Fibaro. Necesitaba una maniobra de 16A y creo que esta es muy buena opción


16 amperios de enchufe

Lo utilizo para un termo de 3400W y va genial. Pequeño pero matón. Gracias.

  • 1 de 1 personas encontraron esta crítica útil.

Muy potente

Bastante pequeño para la potencia que soporta. Muy discreto en enchufe de pared para mis radiadores electricos.

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Qubino Smart Plug 16A - Enchufe Z-Wave Plus on-off de pequeño tamaño

Qubino Smart Plug 16A - Enchufe Z-Wave Plus on-off de pequeño tamaño

Enchufe inteligente con medición de consumo. El enchufe Z-Wave de 16A más pequeño del mercado. Con tecnologia Z-Wave Plus y medición de consumo. No limita la potencia del enchufe al que conectamos el enchufe inteligente ya que estos suelen ser de 16 amperios, al igual que este SmartPlug 16A de Qubino.

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