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Aeotec Recessed Door Sensor 7 - Sensor puerta empotrado Z-Wave



La automatización invisible es la automatización perfecta. El sensor de puerta empotrado de Aeotec version 7 se instala en el marco de la puerta o embutido en la propia puerta y es completamente invisible.

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42,00 €

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Tecnología Domótica Z-Wave Serie 700


Sensor de puerta empotrado Aeotec Recessed Door Sensor 7 - Z-Wave+ Serie 700 

Realmente inteligente. Realmente invisible. Con menos de 1 cm de ancho, algunos podrían llamarlo compacto. Nosotros preferimos llamarlo invisible. Es un sensor de puerta que está diseñado de la forma en que los sensores de puerta deberían ser siempre: potentes pero invisibles. Se instala en el marco de una puerta y supervisa el uso de la misma, lo que permite la supervisión de la seguridad y potencia la automatización inteligente.

Instalación invisible

La belleza de la instalación invisible se complementa con la belleza de la instalación sencilla. La instalación del sensor de puerta empotrada 7 es fácil. Y emparejarlo con un sistema de automatización no requiere más que activar su batería y escanear su código QR. Hacerlo invisible significa poco más que un taladro oculto en el marco de la puerta. Es el tipo de instalación que no lleva más de 10 minutos pero que proporciona años de inteligencia y automatización.

Perfectamente mejorado

Incorpora la tecnología Gen7
Los sensores de seguridad deben ser seguros. Los sensores de automatización deben ser avanzados. El sensor de puerta empotrada 7 funciona con la tecnología Gen7 de Aeotec e incluye Z-Wave Plus V2, seguridad inalámbrica S2 e instalación SmartStart.

2 años de duración de la batería

Con su nueva tecnología, el Sensor de puerta empotrada 7 dura ahora el doble que los modelos anteriores: hasta 2 años. Y una vez que se ha ido, cambiar la batería es tan sencillo como retirar el sensor de puerta empotrado 7 del marco de la puerta, cambiar la batería y volver a colocar el sensor en la puerta.

Lo mejor de la tecnología inalámbrica

Los sensores de seguridad deben ser fiables. El sensor de puerta empotrada 7 es. Utilizando la serie 700 de Z-Wave, su alcance inalámbrico permite que el sensor de puerta empotrada 7 se comunique con otros dispositivos Z-Wave hasta 150 metros de distancia.


Sensor de apertura de puertas Z-Wave+ V2
Instalación directamente en el marco de la puerta
No altera la estética de la habitación en la que se instala
Hasta 2 años de duración de la batería
Incorpora las tecnologías Z-Wave Smart Start y S2 Security
Tecnología inalámbrica Z-Wave Plus 700


Alimentación: batería de litio CR2 de 3 voltios y 800mAh
Duración de la batería: 2 años de autonomía (cuando hay <20 informes de apertura/cierre y 4 informes de despertar al día)
Frecuencia de radio: 868,42 MHz
Distancia de funcionamiento: hasta 150 metros en exteriores, 40 metros en interiores
Humedad de funcionamiento: del 8 al 80%.
Temperatura de funcionamiento: de 0°C a 40°C
Distancia máxima al imán: 1 cm
Sensor: 19,2 x 64 mm
Imán: 22 x 13 mm
Peso: 30 g

Información Ampliada Z-Wave (Inglés)

Nombre: Recessed Door Sensor 7
Número de Certificación Z-Wave:ZC12-20010026
Plataforma Hardware:ZGM130
Tipo de Role:Reporting Sleeping Slave
Descripción Corta:Recessed Door Sensor 7 is a wireless notification sensor product which is embedded inside the wooden door or window.
Descripción:Recessed Door Sensor 7 is a wireless notification sensor product which is embedded inside the wooden door or window. This product is powered by battery and used for detecting the opening or closing of doors, windows. It can communicate with an associated Z-Wave product, such as Siren, Switch, etc. This product supports Security 2 Command Class. While a Security S2 enabled Controller is needed in order to fully use the security feature. This product can be operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified products from other manufacturers. All mains operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the network. This product supports the Over The Air (OTA) feature for the product's firmware upgrade.

Descargue el manual desde aquí.

Max Nodos
Lifeline group. (1) Device Reset Locally Notification: Issued when Factory Reset is performed. (2) Battery Report: lssued periodically to report the current battery level; lssued when battery becomes low. (3) Sensor Binary Report: Issued when Magnet is away or near. (4) Notification Report (Type=0x06; Event=0x16): Issued when sensor state is changed to be Open Status. (5) Notification Report (Type=0x06; Event=0x17): Issued when sensor state is changed to be Close Status. (6) Notification Report (Type=0x08; Event-0x01): Issued when battery voltage change exceeds 20%. (7) Notification Report (Type-0x09; Event=0x04; Param=0x55): Issued when reset due to Watch-Dog Timeout.
Issue Basic Set when Maqnet is away or near. (The Basic Set Value is determined by Confiquration Parameter 3)
Tamaño (Bytes)
Valor por Defecto
Binary Sensor Report
Enable/Disable Binary Sensor Report. Allow for backward compatibility to report Binary if Notification Report cannot be use for status changes.
Timed battery report
Set how often battery is reported in minutes.
Sensor Reports
Reverse Sensor Reports (both Sensor Binary Report and Notification Report.)
Association Group 2 Settings
Configure the Basic Set value. Determine the Basic Set value to control other Z-Wave devices directly when Magnet is away or near.
Application Layer Retry
Configure retry number and wait time. The device supports an application retry mechanism when the application of the device has detected a transmission error when Basic Set, Sensor Binary Report or Notification Report (Access Control) message is sent out but fails to result in an ACK or a Supervision Report.
Supervision Report Wait Time
Configure Supervision Report Wait Time
Led Indicator
Control LED Indicator. Determine whether the LED flash or not when sending Basic Set, Sensor Binary Report, Notification Report (Access Control) or Wake Up Notification.
Low battery threshold
Configure the low battery threshold. Induce battery report when battery level is less than or equal to threshold. Forward low battery report.
Application Status
Association Group Information V3
Association V2
Configuration V4
Device Reset Locally
Firmware Update Meta-Data V5
Indicator V3
Manufacturer Specific V2
Multi-Channel Association V3
Notification V8
Security S0
Security S2
Sensor Binary V2
Transport Service V2
Version V3
Wake Up V2
Z-Wave Plus Info V2
Where to find S2 DSK on product
QR/PIN can be found at the bottom of the product. A full DSK string can be found when you open the packaging on the Aeotec Logo Side. Please cut it out of the packaging and write some memo on its backside. Keep it in a safe place.
Factory Reset Procedure
If the primary controller is missing or inoperable, you may need to reset the product to factory settings.

1. Make sure the product is powered.

2. Press and hold the Action Button for at least 20s, and release when LED becomes solid red color, then Factory Reset is performed.

3. Wait for the LED indicator to be slow fade-in fade-out red LED color, which indicates the reset operation is successful. Otherwise, please try again. Contact us for further support if needed.


1. This procedure should only be used when the primary controller is missing or inoperable.

2. Factory Reset will:

(a) Remove the product from Z-Wave network;

(b) Delete the Association setting;

(c) Restore the configuration settings to the default.
Classic Exclusion
1. Set your main controller into its 'remove product' mode. Refer to its manual if you are unsure of how to perform.

2. Make sure the product is powered.

3. Single-click the Action Button; its red LED will flash for a few seconds.

4. Confirm the removing result. Successful removing can be confirmed by your controller’s message or the LED status. If the removing is successful, LED will change to the default unpaired state which is slow fade-in fade-out red color. If its LED extinguish without slow fade-in fade-out red color, it indicates the removing is unsuccessful. Repeat the above steps or contact us for further support if needed.
Classic Inclusion
1. Press the sensor latch with a slotting screwdriver to remove the lid of the sensor.

2. Squeeze the sides of the sensor casing to alleviate pressure on the chipboard; slide the chipboard out.

3. Remove the Pull Tab to engage the pre-installed battery. The sensor’s LED will fade the color red in and out for a few seconds to indicate that it’s powered on.

4. To add the product to your automation network manually:

(a) Set your main controller into its 'add product' mode. Refer to its manual if you are unsure of how to perform.

(b) Single-click the Action Button; its red LED will flash for a few seconds.

(c) If your controller supports S2 security, and you want to add the product into S2 Authenticated network, please scan the QR code or enter the PIN code (the underlined 5-digits of the DSK) when prompted. [IMPORTANT] QR/PIN can be found at the bottom of the product. A full DSK string can be found when you open the packaging on the Aeotec Logo Side. Please cut it out of the packaging and write some memo on its backside. Keep it in a safe place.

(d) Wait for the adding process to end.

(e) Confirm the adding result. Successful adding can be confirmed by your controller’s message or the LED status. If adding is successful, LED will become solid red color for 10 minutes and then off, or goes into sleep immediately if receiving the Wake Up No More Information from the controller. If its LED goes back to slow fade-in fade-out red color for 10 seconds, it indicates adding is unsuccessful. The product will auto-reset and then activate SmartStart. Repeat the above steps or contact us for further support if needed.

6. Squeeze the sides of the sensor casing lightly again and re-insert the chipboard as it was. Re-attach the lid.

7. Recessed Door Sensor 7 is now a part of your Z-Wave home control system. You can configure it and its automations via your Z-Wave system; please refer to your software's user guide for precise instructions.
Wake-Up Procedure
1. Make sure the product is powered.

2. Press and hold the Action Button for at least 2s and release when the LED becomes slow pulsing red color, then Wake Up Notification is issued.

3. Wake Up destination is according to the Wake Up Interval Set. It will stay awake for 10 minutes after issuing Wake Up Notification, that is called 10-Minutes Awake Mode, however it will go into sleep immediately if receives Wake Up No More Information by the Wake Up destination. If you want to exit the 10-Minutes Awake Mode manually, please single-click the Action Button, then it will go into sleep immediately and its LED will extinguish.


There is another way to manually trigger Wake Up, that is repower on, but it’s not recommended for inconvenience. The Wake Up destination is according to the Wake Up Interval Set. The Wake Up period starts when the node issues a Wake Up Notification and it ends either 10 seconds after the last received/transmitted frame or at the reception of a Wake Up No More Information Command by the Wake Up destination.
S2 Authenticated
S2 Unauthenticated
If the product is only available in one color, pick the color from the list.
Firmware Updatable
Indicates whether the firmware can be updated and whether it is done by the consumer or a technician.
Battery Quantity
Enter the number of batteries of the designated type that the product uses.
Battery Type
Enter the type (e.g. AA, CR2032, AAA) of the battery/batteries that the product uses.



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Aeotec Recessed Door Sensor 7 - Sensor puerta empotrado Z-Wave

Aeotec Recessed Door Sensor 7 - Sensor puerta empotrado Z-Wave

La automatización invisible es la automatización perfecta. El sensor de puerta empotrado de Aeotec version 7 se instala en el marco de la puerta o embutido en la propia puerta y es completamente invisible.

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