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Qubino Flush Shutter DC



Micromódulo DC Qubino Flush Shutter para controlar persianas, cortinas, venezianas, toldos, portas de garagem, etc. com a capacidade de reverter a polaridade para acionar motores de 12-24VDC (corrente contínua) para este tipo de aplicações de automação residencial de obturador, seu "obturador" ou outras ocultações de portas / janelas com base em motores invertidos .

Mais detalhes

Em estoque

62,30 €


70,80 €

Características tecnicas

Tecnologia Z-Wave Plus
Recurso Medição de Consumo

Mais Informação

O único controlador de obturador Z-Wave do mundo, para motores de corrente contínua (DC)

O micromódulo Qubino Flush Shutter DC para "vedação" / ocultação da Qubino é ideal para controlar motores de persianas, rolos, cortinas e persianas de 12-24V DC, venezianas, toldos e filtros solares similares, bem como abridores de portas. garagem Você pode controlá-lo remotamente através da rede Z-Wave ou através de interruptores de parede. Ele também mede o consumo de energia do motor conectado ou dispositivo de giro e suporta a conexão de um sensor de temperatura digital.

O menor módulo de controle cego Z-Wave de todos

O micromódulo ou "tablet" para o controle de persianas O Qubino Flush Shutter DC é o menor módulo do Z-Wave no mundo porque ocupa um volume menor do que os módulos comparáveis de qualquer outra marca e cabe facilmente em qualquer caixa de mecanismos embutidos.

Qubino Flush Shutter DC corrente contínua

Usado para?

O micromódulo Qubino Flush Shutter DC para controle cego Z-Wave é ideal para controlar remotamente motores de 12-24V DC de persianas, polias, persianas, toldos, portas de garagem, venezianas e filtros solares semelhantes.

Nova funcionalidade para estores venezianos

Vídeo para ver em ação:

Controle de energia

O micromodule Z-Wave Qubino Flush Shutter DC , para o controle de venezianas e persianas, entre outros sistemas de ocultação, mede o consumo elétrico do dispositivo elétrico ou do motor rotativo / de deslocamento conectado e de si mesmo, quando está em "standby" "só consome 0,3 W.

Muito versátil

O Qubino Flush Shutter DC , pode operar através de uma ampla gama de temperaturas, de frio -10º C a sufocante 40º C (14º-104ºF). Ele suporta a conexão de um sensor de temperatura digital, que também é útil para criar cenários complexos. Cada módulo também atua como um repetidor para melhorar o alcance e a estabilidade da rede Z-Wave.

A instalação mais simples.

O tamanho extremamente pequeno e uma caixa especialmente projetada significam que a conexão do módulo dentro de uma caixa de montagem embutida é simples. O processo de instalação, testado e aprovado por eletricistas profissionais , consiste em apenas três etapas simples:

1 - Remova os interruptores da caixa e desconecte os cabos.
2 - Conecte os cabos ao módulo Qubino e insira-os na caixa.
3 - Fixe os interruptores na caixa.

Os módulos Z-Wave mais comprovados e confiáveis

Os módulos Z-Wave da Qubino são produtos de instalação e esquecimento. Os produtos Qubino que oferecemos, são fabricados para durar, então eles só usam componentes eletrônicos que atendem aos mais exigentes níveis de qualidade. Nossos módulos são também os micromódulos Z-Wave mais testados no mercado. O Instituto Esloveno de Qualidade e Medição (SIQ), uma entidade europeia independente, verifica a qualidade dos parâmetros reais de nossos produtos, incluindo aumentos de temperatura, fabricação, resistência de isolamento, consumo elétrico e sobrecargas de acordo com os padrões europeus da mais alta qualidade de acordo com a especificação da norma EN 60669-2-1.

Parâmetros adicionais para profissionais.

O micromódulo de obturador Qubino Flush DC   Possui 14 parâmetros adicionais para seu uso por especialistas. Alguns dos mais úteis são:

  • Ativar / desativar funções ALL ON / ALL OFF
  • Defina a seleção entre dois modos de operação disponíveis
  • Defina o tempo necessário para as lâminas completarem a volta completa (180 graus)

Especificações técnicas e diagramas elétricos:

Esquema de conexão Qubino Flush Shutter DC

Comida: 12 24 VDC ± 10%

Corrente de carga nominal

2 A
Proteção contra sobrecarga 5 A
Potência de saída da saída DC (carga resistiva) 48 W (24 VDC)
Potência do circuito de saída da saída DC (carga resistiva): 5 A
Precisão da medição de potência: +/- 5%
Faixa do sensor de temperatura digital: -50 ° ~ + 125 ° C, resolução de 0,1 ° C
Comprimento do cabo do sensor de temperatura digital: 1000 mm
Temperatura de funcionamento: -10 ° ~ + 40 ° C
Distância até 30 m dentro de casa (dependendo dos materiais)
Dimensões (LxAxP) 41,8 x 36,8 x 15,4 mm
(embalagem) (115 x 96 x 22)
Peso (incluindo embalagem) 28 g (34 g)
Consumo elétrico em standby 0,3 W
Para instalação em caixas de mecanismo Ø e 60 mm ou 2 M
Comutação por: "H ponte"

Atende às certificações CE e ROHS

Informação alargada da Z-Wave (Inglês)

Nome: Flush Shutter DC
Número de Certificação Z-Wave :ZC10-17085744
Plataforma de Hardware :ZM5202
Tipo de Role :Always On Slave
Descrição breve :The Qubino Flush Shutter DC is ideal for controlling the 12–24V DC motors of blinds, rollers, shades, venetian blinds and similar sunscreens.
Descrição :The Qubino Flush Shutter DC is ideal for controlling the 12–24V DC motors of blinds, rollers, shades, venetian blinds and similar sunscreens. You can control it either remotely through the Z-Wave network or through wall switches. It also measures power consumption and supports the connection of a digital temperature sensor.

Descarregue o manual a partir de aqui.

Nodos máximos
Z-Wave Plus Lifeline
Basic on/off (triggered at change of the input I1 state and reflecting its state)
Basic on/off (triggered at change of the input I2 state and reflecting its state)
Basic on/off (triggered at sensing moving direction of roller: up=FF, down=0)
Basic on/off (triggered at reaching roller position: bottom=FF, top=0)
Basic on/off (triggered at reaching roller position: bottom=FF, not bottom=0)
Multilevel set (triggered at changes of value of the Flush Shutter DC position)
Multilevel set (triggered at changes of value of slats tilting position)
Multilevel sensor report (triggered at change of temperature sensor
Tamanho (Bytes)
Valor por defeito
Activate/deactivate functions ALL ON / ALL OFF
Flush Shutter DCs module responds to commands ALL ON / ALL OFF that may be sent by the primary or secondary controller within the Z-Wave network.
Temperature sensor offset settings
Set value is added to or subtracted from the actually measured value to adjust the temperature report sent by an external sensor (sold separately). This parameter only applies to the degrees temperature unit (the Fahrenheit unit is currently not supported).
Temperature sensor reporting
If an external digital temperature sensor (sold separately) is connected to the module, it reports temperature readings based on the threshold defined in this parameter. This parameter only applies to the degrees temperature unit (the Fahrenheit unit is currently not supported).
Unsecure / Secure Inclusion
A Flush Shutter DC supports secure and unsecure inclusion. Even if the controller does not support security command classes, a dimmer could be included as unsecure and keep all the functionality. In case of an overload, the device will send an overload notification(COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION_V5) towards the controller with the "Notification type" field set to 0x08 (POWER MANAGEMENT) and the "Event" field set to 0x08 ("Over load detected").
Power reporting in Watts on power change for Q1 or Q2
Choose by how much power consumption needs to increase or decrease to be reported. Values correspond to percentages so if 10 is set (by default), the module will report any power consumption changes of 10% or more compared to the last reading. NOTE: Power consumption needs to increase or decrease by at least 1 Watt to be reported, REGARDLESS of percentage set in this parameter.
Power reporting in Watts by time interval for Q1 or Q2
The set value refers to the time interval with which the power consumption in Watts is reported (0 – 32767 seconds). If 0 is entered (by default), energy consumption reports will not be sent to the controller.
Operating modes
Choose between the two operating modes. If the venetian mode is selected, an additional widget/endpoint will be displayed on the UI interface, which can be used to control the tilt position of the slats. If the Shutter mode is selected, this additional endpoint is hidden. NOTE1: After the value of this parameter is changed, first exclude module (without setting parameters to their default values), wait at least 30s and then reinclude the module!
Slats tilting full turn time
Set the time, required by the slats, to make a full turn (180 degrees). NOTE: If the set time is too long and a full turn was already performed, the device will start to move up or down for the remaining time.
Slats position
Choose the position of the slats after up/down movement (activated through the Z-Wave controller or the push-buttons) is completed.
Motor moving up/down time
This parameter defines the time, required by the Shutter DC motor, to completely open or completely close the attached shutters. After the set time passes, the motor stops (relay goes to the off state). NOTE: It is important that the reference position, for setting the moving time, is always when the Shutter is at its lowest position! Set parameter 74 to 0 and move the Shutter (using the up/down push-buttons or the main controller UI) to the lowest desired position. When the Shutter reaches this position, set the parameter 74 to the duration, required by the Shutter, to completely open or completely close the attached shutters. At this point the Shutter can be moved up (open), but can't be moved down, because this position is already set as its lowest position. To change the defined lowest position of the Shutter below the one, which is already defined (manual recalibration), the parameter 74 must be set to 0 and the procedure, which is described above, should be repeated. In case the Shutter operates using limit switches, but the user still wants to control the opening/closing position with time, this is still possible. If a time duration, which is longer than the opening/closing time of the shutters in real time (limited by the limit switches), is set, the Shutter will stop at the limit switches, but the module relay will switch it off after a defined time, not by the limit switch of the Shutter. Take into consideration that in this condition, positioning the shutters with the slider (through the UI) will not display the correct position of the Shutter.
Motor operation detection
Define the power consumption threshold at the end positions. Based on this value, the device will know, that the shutters reached the limit switches.
Forced Shutter DC calibration
By changing the value of this parameter from 0 to 1, the Shutter enters the calibration mode. For further information about the calibration process, please see section 9.
Power consumption max delay time
Define the maximum time before the power consumption of the motor, after one of the relays is switched ON, is read from the device. If there is no power consumption during the set time (motor not connected, damaged or requires longer time to start, motor at the end position), the relay will switch OFF. This time is defined by entering it manually.
Power consumption at limit switch delay time
This parameter defines the maximum time after which the active output will switch off, due to reaching a limit switch. When power consumption is below the specified power threshold, defined in the parameter no. 76, the set time duration will have to pass in order for the output to turn off.
Time delay for next motor movement
This parameter defines the minimum time duration between successive motor movements (minimum time after which the motor is switched off and on again).
Notification V5
Switch Multilevel V3
Association Group Information V2
Association V2
Device Reset Locally
Manufacturer Specific V2
Meter V4
Multi-Channel Association V3
Multi-Channel V4
Notification V5
Security S0
Sensor Multilevel V7
Switch All
Switch Binary
Switch Multilevel V3
Version V2
Z-Wave Plus Info V2
• Connect module to power supply (with

temperature sensor connected - if purchased),

• auto-inclusion (works for about 5 seconds after connected to power supply) or

• press service button S for more than 2 second or

• press push button I1 three times within 3s (3 times change switch state within 3 seconds).

NOTE1: For auto-inclusion procedure, first set main controller into inclusion mode and then connect module to power supply.

NOTE2: When connecting temperature sensor to module that has already been included, you have to exclude module first. Switch off power supply, connect the sensor and re-include the module.

• Connect module to power supply

• bring module within maximum 1 meter (3 feet) of the main controller,

• enable add/remove mode on main controller,

• press service button S for more than 6 second or

• press push button I1 five times within 3s (5 times change switch state within 3 seconds) in the first 60 seconds after the module is connected to the power supply.

By this function all parameters of the module are set to default values and own ID is deleted.

If service button S is pressed more than 2 and less than 6 seconds (or if push button I1 is pressed three times within 3s) module is excluded, but configuration parameters are not set to default values.

NOTE: If the module is included with parameters 71 with value different to default and module reset is done, wait at least 30s before next inclusion.

NOTE: Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.

Factory Reset
press service button S for more than 6 second or

• press push button I1 five times within 3s (5 times change switch state within 3 seconds) in the first 60 seconds after the module is connected to the power supply.

By this function all parameters of the module are set to default values and own ID is deleted.

If service button S is pressed more than 2 and less than 6 seconds (or if push button I1 is pressed three times within 3s) module is excluded, but configuration parameters are not set to default values.

NOTE: Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.

Sensor types supported by the product.
If the product is only available in one color, pick the color from the list.
Window Covering Control Features
Select the feature(s) supported in the Window Covering Control product.
Supported Notification Types
Select the Notification Types that the product handles (controllers), or sends (slaves).
Supported Meter Type
Indicate which type of metering is supported by the device.




Unico rele z-wave 24V DC

Estoy absolutamente encantado con el artículo. Hay otros relés Z-Wave pero yo necesitaba específicamente un relé de 24V DC. Hice una búsqueda a conciencia en internet y no creo que haya otro dispositivo en el planeta que hubiera resuelto mi problema.

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Qubino Flush Shutter DC

Qubino Flush Shutter DC

Micromódulo DC Qubino Flush Shutter para controlar persianas, cortinas, venezianas, toldos, portas de garagem, etc. com a capacidade de reverter a polaridade para acionar motores de 12-24VDC (corrente contínua) para este tipo de aplicações de automação residencial de obturador, seu "obturador" ou outras ocultações de portas / janelas com base em motores invertidos .


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