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Philio PAD07 - Interruptor Dimmer Z-Wave Plus View larger

Philio PAD07 - Interruptor Dimmer Z-Wave Plus



  • Fácil de gerenciar com seu aplicativo/controlador de automação residencial Z-Wave
  • Controle liga/desliga

  • Intensidade de luz ajustável
  • proteção de sobrecarga
  • Repetidor automático para outros dispositivos Z-Wave para cobertura completa da casa
  • Chip Z-Wave 5ª GEN integrado

Mais detalhes

Não disponível

59,00 €

Características tecnicas

Tecnologia Domótica Z-Wave Plus

Mais Informação

O dimmer LED Philio é um dimmer sem fio habilitado para segurança, baseado na tecnologia Z-Wave Plus.
Dispositivos habilitados para Z-Wave Plus exibindo o logotipo Z-Wave Plus também podem ser usados com ele, independentemente do fabricante, e também podem ser usados em redes habilitadas para Z-Wave de outros fabricantes.

Para operar a função de escurecimento, você pode usar um interruptor momentâneo, como um interruptor momentâneo TEM PW-1D ou um interruptor momentâneo simples, você pode ligar/desligar a luz LED pressionando brevemente o botão,
Você pode alternar a luz pressionando rapidamente o botão ou pressionando longamente para controlar o brilho de uma lâmpada LED regulável. A comutação externa pode ser um, dois ou para cima/para baixo.

O escurecimento é suportado usando a tecnologia Zero Cross, que elimina a cintilação ou o piscar quando ligado.

Este controlador é um transceptor que é um dispositivo habilitado para segurança baseado na tecnologia Z-Wave Plus e é totalmente compatível com qualquer Z-Wave habilitado

O Philio PAD07 suporta a classe de comando de segurança, ele pode aprender com um driver habilitado para segurança para utilizar totalmente o dispositivo. Sua funcionalidade e classes de comando suportadas são idênticas quando ele é incluído como um dispositivo seguro e não seguro.

Aviso: Não use LEDs não dimerizáveis com este Dimmer.

Informação alargada da Z-Wave (Inglês)

Nome: In Wall Smart Dimmer
Número de Certificação Z-Wave :ZC10-17045563
Plataforma de Hardware :SD3502
Tipo de Role :Always On Slave
Descrição breve :PAD07 is a security enabled wireless dimmer, based on Z-Wave Plus technology. You can On/Off the light by pressing the button briefly, or a long pressing to control the brightness of dimmable light bulb.
Descrição :PAD07 is a security enabled wireless dimmer, based on Z-Wave Plus technology. Z-Wave PlusTM enabled devices displaying the Z-Wave PlusTM logo can also be used with it regardless of the manufacturer, and can also be used in other manufacturer’s Z-WaveTM enabled networks. You can On/Off the light by pressing the button briefly, or a long pressing to control the brightness of dimmable light bulb. This dimmer is a transceiver which is a security enabled device which based on Z-Wave Plus technology, and it is fully compatible with any Z-WaveTM enabled network. Since PAD07 supports Security Command Class, it can learn with a Secured enabled controller to fully utilize the device. Its functionality and supported command classes is identical when included as a secure and non-secure device. Adding to Z-WaveTM Network In the front casing, there is an on/off button (also an include button) with LED indicator below which is used to dim on and off or carries out inclusion, exclusion, reset or association. When first power applied, its LED flashes on and off alternately and repeatedly at 0.5 second intervals. It implies that it has not been assigned a node ID and start auto inclusion. Auto Inclusion The function of auto inclusion will be executed as long as the dimmer does not have Node ID and just connect the switch to main power. Note: Auto inclusion timeout is 2 minute during which the node information of explorer frame will be emitted once every several seconds. Unlike “inclusion” function as shown in the table below, the execution of auto inclusion is free from pressing the On/Off button on the dimmer.

Descarregue o manual a partir de aqui.

Nodos máximos
Lifeline The Switch can be set to send reports to associated Z-Wave devices. It supports one association group with five nodes support for grouping 1. For group 1, the dimmer will report MULTILEVEL_SWITCH_REPORT, ALARM_REPORT and DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY_NOTIFICATION.
Control_Key1 When the On/Off status changes or the dim level is achieved manually, it will send BASIC_SET command to group 2 nodes to make them unanimous.
Tamanho (Bytes)
Valor por defeito
Dimmer Level Report mode
Whenever dimmer on/off state changes, it will send MULTILEVEL_SWITCH_REPORT to the nodes of group1. The default setting is Enable the function.
LED indication mode
1. Show dimmer State:When dimmer is on, LED is on. When dimmer is off, LED is off. The default setting is Show dimmer State. 2. Show Night mode:When dimmer is on, LED is off. When dimmer is off, LED is on. 3. One flash mode : When dimmer on/off state changes, LED will light on one second and then off.
External switch type
1. One switch mode:Only S1 can dim up the light bulb to brightest level, then dim down to darkest level, and so on… 2. Two switch mode:S1 and S2 can dim up the light bulb to brightest level, then dim down to darkest level, and so on… 3. Up/Down switch mode:S1 can only dim up the light bulb to brightest level, and S2 can only dim down to Off.
Restore dimmer state
Whenever the AC power return from lost, PAD02 will restore the switch state which could be Dimmer off、Last dimmer state、Dimmer on. The default setting is Last dimmer state.
Association Group Info
Association V2
Device Reset Locally
Firmware Update Meta-Data V2
Manufacturer Specific V2
Scene Activation
Scene Actuator Conf
Security S0
Switch Multilevel V2
Version V2
Z-Wave Plus Info V2
Factory Reset
1. Pressing Include button of PAD07 three times within 2 seconds will enter inclusion mode.

2. Within 1 second, press Include button of PAD07 again for 5 seconds.

3. IDs are excluded.

*Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.
1. Put your Z-Wave controller into inclusion mode by following the instructions provided by the controller manufacturer.

2. Pressing Include button of PAD07 three times within 2 seconds will enter inclusion mode.
1. Put your Z-Wave controller into exclusion mode by following the instructions provided by the controller manufacturer.

2. Pressing Include button of PAD07 three times within 2 seconds will enter exclusion mode.

3. Node ID has been excluded.

Switch Load Capacity Current
The amount of switch load energy the product is rated for in Amps
Firmware Updatable
Indicates whether the firmware can be updated and whether it is done by the consumer or a technician.
Neutral Wire Required
For electric in-wall/wired switches, indicate whether a neutral wire is required for installation.
Z-Wave Scene Type
Indicates which of the two types of Z-Wave scene command classes are supported. Scenes or Central Scene
If the product is only available in one color, pick the color from the list.



Escrever uma avaliação

Philio PAD07 - Interruptor Dimmer Z-Wave Plus

Philio PAD07 - Interruptor Dimmer Z-Wave Plus

  • Fácil de gerenciar com seu aplicativo/controlador de automação residencial Z-Wave
  • Controle liga/desliga

  • Intensidade de luz ajustável
  • proteção de sobrecarga
  • Repetidor automático para outros dispositivos Z-Wave para cobertura completa da casa
  • Chip Z-Wave 5ª GEN integrado

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